Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [be] [vb pp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the art treasures had long since been taken to Moscow , many of the palaces were in ruins after the fearful fighting between the Russians and the Germans .
2 Since Alice had long since been betrothed to Richard the studied vagueness of the phrase " to whichever of his sons married her " suggests that Henry may have been toying with the idea of marrying her not to Richard but to John .
3 The series ' existence has hitherto only been known to people who visited the late Dollie de Rothschild 's ( died 1988 ) private house in London , but her heir Lord Rothschild has decided that they should go on display next year in Waddesdon Manor , the house she gave to the National Trust during her lifetime .
4 I understand that these applications have only just been submitted to Midlothian District Council as the local planning authority and I have to advise you that it would not be appropriate for Regional Council officials to comment publicly at this stage .
5 The Cambridge local examinations had only just been opened to girls and her performance in mathematics placed her alone in the first class .
6 The Royal Year and Christmas numbers of the ILN have always been successful extra issues each year , and they will henceforth both be sent to subscribers , giving them in total six issues of the ILN each year .
7 Prizes for painting have so far been awarded to de Kooning and Hockney ( jointly ) , to Tàpies , Balthus and this year to Soulages ; in sculpture Mastroianni , Pomodoro , Chillida and this year Caro ( did Signor Fanfani think Caro a third Italian , I wonder ? ) .
8 Much here is owed to Holbein engraving , ’ said the guide , to show off her knowledge .
9 N are index terms ( that is , descriptors ) and B and C and so on are related to A via some hierarchy of relationships .
10 Denmark had in Cnut 's day only recently been converted to Christianity , and these authors are unlikely to have possessed much in the way of early documentary material , although like English historians they fairly clearly knew oral traditions which need not always have been groundless .
11 In 764 Heahberht , who had witnessed Sigered 's grant of land to Rochester in 762 , appears as king of Kent in the company of Offa and members of the Mercian nobility in Canterbury when Offa granted land to the bishop of Rochester in Kent in his own name ( CS 195 : S 105 ) , the first occasion on which a Mercian king is known to have done so , and the same land which had only recently been granted to Rochester by Sigered and Eanmund .
12 Wordsworth also inherits from Locke an intense concern with the visible universe ; although Locke tries to explain all kinds of sensory experience he is most at home with the sense of sight , which could most easily be related to Newton 's optical discoveries .
13 The new symbols NT , USE need not necessarily be transferred to library catalogues where traditional entries can still be made .
14 The apparent extension of the effects of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian Plates to much of central and eastern Asia , and possibly as far as the Baikal Rift ( Fig. 3.21 ) , in fact indicates that the consequences of plate interaction need not necessarily be confined to plate margins .
15 But the same rates of interest should not necessarily be paid to non-residents and residents alike .
16 As noted earlier , these theories have not only been applied to people but also to people 's creations , such as works of art and writings .
17 News of a proposed relocation should not only be communicated to employees but should also be given to suppliers and customers .
18 Once the vegetational cover of the hard schists was destroyed they could not easily be restored to cultivation .
19 He meant , of course , that anything beautiful , anything worthwhile , should not just be left to experts — we should all be in there enjoying it , taking part in it .
20 2.3.3 Rule 37.3 ( relationship with takeover offers ) and Rule 37.4 A company will not normally be allowed to buy-in or redeem its shares during the offer period if its board has reason to believe that a takeover offer for the company is imminent , except pursuant to a pre-existing contract ( Rule 21 ) .
21 However , if he does this he will not normally be permitted to post such an offer document within 12 months of the date of the statement , unless an offer for the target is announced by a third party within that period ( Note 3 on Rule 4.2 ) .
22 In a frank interview with the Mail on Sunday , Becky Blandford said that the Duke had called her a ’ filthy little scrubber ’ after she posed in lingerie for Tatler magazine … and complained that she and Jamie had not once been invited to dinner at the Palace even though they live on the estate .
23 The number of bishops attending , at least until Vatican I , has been a small proportion of the total , and membership has not always been restricted to bishops , or even to clergy .
24 Thus , patients were not always being admitted to hospital and , when admitted , had not always been referred to a psychiatrist .
25 Any man who would do this is certainly not committed to her , could not possibly be committed to godliness , therefore the whole basis of their relationship is shattered .
26 Although the peasantry have not often been prompted to rebellion , they have played a major role in a national revolution in two Latin American countries , Mexico and Cuba .
27 This is precisely why a Latinate grammar can not simply be transferred to English .
28 It is to fail in other words , to understand that literature can not simply be reduced to ideology , that literature has its own specificity , and that it consequently " reflects " the social process in a highly complex and mediated form .
29 These ‘ id-impulses ’ may be either for ‘ perverse ’ sexual acts which sometimes can not even be admitted to consciousness as acts which the person desires , or they may be impulses of sadism and destructiveness .
30 Since the maximum term of imprisonment which might be imposed in the Magistrates ' court for a single offence is six months , the Act effectively took out of the hands of the magistrates the power to impose sentences of immediate imprisonment on the majority of offenders who had not previously been sentenced to imprisonment or borstal training .
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