Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Okay now while you 're explaining is it all right if I just use your toilet ?
2 I mean all right and I just ticked him off .
3 For example , there 's a piece of cake in front of us and , and you know you just want it so badly and you just eat it , or even having sex , anything , I mean any desire that you have that you just follow .
4 To begin with Charlie was not quite sure what was happening , but he liked the sensation so much that he just continued to hold on to her , and after a time even began to press his tongue against hers .
5 I do n't mind , I do n't mind so long as I just get out a bit on , into town and
6 So So if you just call your mum .
7 Florals are very much back and I just float about the place in them .
8 Only even if it just does er , just till summer you know .
9 I was talking about it the other day and you go and it all comes , it hurts and , and it comes out and you ca n't even hold it down either cos it just comes in your mouth dribbles out the side .
10 But not only that he just do n't like having them anyway .
11 Just just just and it just do n't bring it over here back here .
12 I 'm not trying to work something new , it 's already around and I just wanted to make sure it 's not forgotten .
13 words that yo people are using I 've got now , so I do n't even think of it , it 's just there and I just talk normal that 's the idea really and if anybody asks you what you 're doing , then you tell them and it and you say , if you do n't wish to be on it , well
14 until she got onto that crossbar and then she just flew straight back and did exactly the same thing all over again and I just thought sod it !
15 And she said it again and I thought well i it did n't sound like eleven eleven I do n't know what it sounded like really and I just went so that 'll be Wednesday the eleventh ?
16 When when you when you add them up just if you just put them under each other , it makes it very easy .
17 The band was down below and then a loft , a long wooden just like a dance hall up above and they just did that and they just they had tables set and then they removed them for the dances .
18 hook er I do n't know what part they hook up there but they just hook it straight on this thing .
19 All messed up again after I just cleaned you up !
20 I am reasonably happy with my form right now and I just hope the goals keep coming . ’
21 And you work all of those out so that you just play with them just get to know them so that you 're happy with them .
22 Actually I 've got it on here but I just do n't like saying it all the time .
23 One of the questions erm , there was a one of the categories was quiz shows so I thought well I , I do n't , I wo n't do very well here cos I just do n't watch enough and one of the questions was , who was the helper on erm My , on Take Your Pick ?
24 The contractions were coming quite quickly but they just did n't feel like proper contractions .
25 Well there 's one there now cos we just connected it .
26 And erm it was erm like silky material so it looked really , it , it was n't chiffon it was erm no it was sort of satiny silky , it was n't real silk but it was like shiny stuff , and it sort of went in , in and it went a V down there and then it like flowed down and it was very short and because it was a si but it d it was n't tight , I mean it sort of clung , it showed her waist but it did n't , you know , it exaggerated her waist but it did n't like it did n't cling anywhere else really and it just looked quite , it was flowing and it was , it was really smart and it was , I , the sort of erm the material would be erm sort of almost like und er like my pyjamas that , it was that in black kind of halfy satiny silky stuff .
27 She barked when I first went round there and she just shook and shook so
28 Okay so if we just summoned this area right , that area there represents the present value of the discounted stream of income .
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