Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the lyrics were sung to familiar jazz songs ; ‘ I 'm gon na sit right down and paint myself an abstract ’ went to the tune of ‘ I 'm gon na sit right down and write myself a letter ’ .
2 Some of the lyrics were sung to familiar jazz songs ; ‘ I 'm gon na sit right down and paint myself an abstract ’ went to the tune of ‘ I 'm gon na sit right down and write myself a letter ’ .
3 That would take the smile off their faces all right and give them a few seconds relief .
4 Never before had he gone so far and labelled himself an alcoholic .
5 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
6 Cairns had taken 6 for 70 in the Lancashire first innings , and after watching him add 5 for 75 against Kent Robinson commented : ‘ He is still a youngster but he is setting in well and showing what an excellent prospect he is . ’
7 What we do at the end of the year we have n't quite worked out , but we are very much committed to sharing child care and professional space if you like , but we are very privileged in that academic work allows one the flexibility to work in the hours that you find convenient and so on and allows you the flexibility to make this kind of family arrangement .
8 His left hand , bent with arthritis , curved over a stick on which he leant so heavily as to give him the appearance of physical deformity .
9 Owing to my single-handed battle with the sandwiches , I was not late but cutting it a little fine , and Alan was already in the office writing a cheque when I panted in .
10 By the spring of 1993 at least nine republics or regions within the Russian Federation were insisting that their own laws took precedence over those of the Federation as a whole , and the Chechen republic had gone still further and declared itself a fully independent state .
11 Go on up and give her a shake . ’
12 He could walk right up and ask it the question that burned within him .
13 ‘ Tell you what , ’ said Mrs Tilling in a warmer tone , ‘ I 'll come up here and give you a hand turning out before Christmas .
14 Maud detached the girl rather roughly and gave her a shake .
15 I ca n't afford to take you out properly or buy you a proper Christmas present , or be able to tell you not to worry — I 'm twenty-eight years old and I 'm still living from hand to mouth like a bloody tramp .
16 Wendy ran after her child but her spiked heels slowed her , so she gave up and came back home and made herself a cup of coffee and read the stories in the back of her magazine .
17 Indeed , one correspondent went as far as to call it the ‘ sexiest ’ although that must be debatable .
18 Typically , teen magazines like Smash Hits , were soon on the case and presented them as a ‘ new ’ band , although none went as far as dubbing them the customary , overnight success .
19 ‘ THE shareholders must be hoping the bank has n't gone as far as to give him a company credit card ’ — Labour leader John Smith , on ex-Chancellor Norman Lamont 's new employer , Rothschilds Bank .
20 She went into the bathroom and added water to the whisky , then came back out and handed him a glass .
21 and I bought her but when I came out the loo he is playing with the bus going wheeee , he was having a great time with that , I looked at him and I said got to give that to Charlotte , no , no , I do n't like it I want the house , meaning the garage , so I 've gone out now and bought her a circus
22 I 've been there before and played well , and Dunwell , Withall ; there 's no reason why not and then bring Port Vale back here and give them a good — they 're a good side Port Vale , they 've done exceptionally well .
23 ANDY ORKNEY ( Old Applejack ) : ‘ He jumped really well and gave me a tremendous ride .
24 Get out there and give it a jolly good rogering .
25 We 're all going to go out there and give it a billion per cent every night .
26 ‘ Disney executives flew me out there and gave me the kind of treatment I 'd always dreamed about when I was an actress … bouquets , champagne , limousines , ’ says Lynda .
27 Ah I think it 's just erm y'know kind of erm type them out neatly and give them a go really erm
28 She stopped in front of him , leaning forward confidentially and giving him the full benefit of the satin décolletage .
29 The scriptwriter — a trim , balding man in his fifties with a moustache — squeezed Dexter 's hand a little too warmly and gave him a serious smile of appraisal .
30 What goes on here ? ’ 'I did n't ask you here and I do n't want to see you and I have nothing to say to you , ’ I said , showing her the door but , alas , she seemed to have no intention of going through it , so I capitulated rather too easily and offered her a drink from the mini bar .
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