Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] [art] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Right down to the time he was born . ’
2 ‘ I 'll be all right by the time we come to Luxembourg next week , ’ she said confidently to Franz and Willi at supper that night .
3 As the fighting was apparently over by the time he attended the German emperor Conrad II 's imperial coronation in Rome in March 1027 , the most likely year for Holy River therefore seems to be 1026 , or conceivably , if operations were protracted , 1025 .
4 But direct observation does give you the colours and you do become more accurate , even though sunlight and shadows move so fast during the time it takes to paint such a scene that the particular arrangement that caught your eye in the first place has long since gone by the time the picture is finished !
5 If you had observed my father who arrived in this house a week after you did , you will have seen that his house knowledge is perfect and was so almost from the time he set foot in Darlington Hall . ’
6 One of the first houses in the goldfields was built to welcome them and the two children ; the roof was not on by the time they arrived but many miners joined in helping to complete it , the sight of two young Englishwoman being a delightful rarity .
7 No , I fucking once upon a time I used to be able to do it .
8 But if such a divinity was near , he prayed that the songs had it wrong , because sweet as tales of Nativity were , time was short , and if hope was only a babe tonight then by the time it had reached redeeming age the worlds it had come to save would be dead .
9 The reaction to milk tends to be more persistent , but most children who are sensitive to milk as babies can drink it once more by the time they are three or four .
10 I can have the washing done and back home again by the time I get to Richard 's place .
11 I wondered sometimes if the effects of some sedative given perhaps the night before had not worn off completely by the time I came .
12 Her friend came in and said ‘ Reach for the sky ’ and pretended he had a gun and she played along with him right up to the time they left together .
13 It made Beesley one of the best-known survivors of the disaster , and for fifty years — right up to the time I met him — he was regularly consulted by maritime historians , film researchers , journalists , souvenir hunters , bores , conspiracy theorists and vexatious litigants .
14 It maybe still the same now , erm because right up to the time I erm retired we , we had on occasions to pay for the residual value of a tyre , perhaps a bus had been in accident and the tyre had suffered damage which it was n't possible to repair it or retread it , perhaps a hole had been pierced through the wall , they scrapped that tyre and we had to pay for the residual value , mind you being in accident we could then claim it off the insurance company but , so right up to the time I retired that 's how tyres were paid for .
15 It maybe still the same now , erm because right up to the time I erm retired we , we had on occasions to pay for the residual value of a tyre , perhaps a bus had been in accident and the tyre had suffered damage which it was n't possible to repair it or retread it , perhaps a hole had been pierced through the wall , they scrapped that tyre and we had to pay for the residual value , mind you being in accident we could then claim it off the insurance company but , so right up to the time I retired that 's how tyres were paid for .
16 The baby was wholly out by the time she got back with Sister , though in a caul , as if giftwrapped in Clingfilm .
17 Erm right er now definitely by the time I see you next time if not before erm I 'll get them okay .
18 The train could n't stop in time and he was n't there by the time we had reversed .
19 The train could n't stop in time and he was n't there by the time we had reversed .
20 ‘ She trimmed up the north and east hedgerow quite nicely by the time I went up , Saturday lunchtime .
21 Yeah because you go to be the eldest and then just at the time you should of gone on and become the youngest , it changed so you were the eldest all the time
22 Most macroeconomic data are published fairly quickly , and any delay is often due more to the time it takes to collect them than a strict publication lag .
23 George if you 've got any food then we 'll , we 'll put it on or whatever is happening then , then then by the time I get something to eat
24 In fact , nobody even knew I played , although I played pretty well by the time I was out of High School .
25 Most are speaking , walking and managing very nicely by the time they are three .
26 Although it did n't sell very well at the time it is significant because it was the first to be published in English using the naming system which we use today . ’
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