Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even though my children 's reading has long since moved on to Roald Dahl , C S Lewis and Judy Blume , the story ‘ template ’ is there , the dubious role models of their best-loved tales are firmly entrenched and I 'm beginning to wonder if they are there for life .
2 ‘ I realised if I wanted to get back to where I had been , it was perhaps better going back to North and starting off there again . ’
3 There is , however , a worrying trend that is perhaps best put down to enthusiasm .
4 Both Gary Smith and Barry Dowdeswell , chief executive of the Royal Victoria Infirmary , Newcastle 's oldest teaching hospital , agreed that the acute hospitals had only just woken up to community care .
5 If you find you have to put a car on the road purely for your job 's sake , by the time you have included petrol , road tax and insurance , plus an allowance for depreciation , that you may be better off working closer to home .
6 Most of the remarks so far apply particularly to coasts of hard rocks .
7 There , as Blair had so persuasively pointed out to Sloane , he diligently tilled his soil to cultivate the beautiful flowers and shrubs of which , in later writings , his own appreciation was always apparent .
8 Only when they were returning home in the dusk did James say , ‘ You 'll be right not to come back to Bewick .
9 Mr Eyadéma can not long hold on to power .
10 Do not be worried if your angles do not exactly add up to 180° As you become more accurate with your work , so you will get closer to 180° .
11 You 'd feel just like going up to London wont you ?
12 He will want you at home , not always running about to meetings . ’
13 Unfortunately , ad hoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication .
14 He must be ready to speculate , for the sources ( in this case the chronicles and records of government which provide him with much of his material ) do not always come up to expectation .
15 I beat down my excitement and wonder , knowing that a place can not possibly live up to expectations such as mine .
16 By the time of the abolition measures of 1806 and 1807 abolitionists had failed to convince their opponents that they were not also looking forward to emancipation .
17 My mitt 's just about come back to reality , last night when I was playing my trumpet right , it was numb , my fingers , I 'd got no feeling in it , it was as though it was dead .
18 Although she told me she was experiencing a certain amount of discomfort due to the condition of her appendix , and although she was not really looking forward to surgery and to the anaesthetic , none the less Kirsty seemed to have no more than the expected apprehension which would have been felt by anyone .
19 But no amount of tinkering with parental choice or national testing alters one main problem : many young black children do not even turn up to classes .
20 Ecalpemos , after all , was not Greek and did not even sound so to Rufus who , unlike Adam , had not received a classical education .
21 Both these publications are useful when the statute first appears , but both suffer from the defect that they are not regularly kept up to date by reprints or supplements .
22 It turned out that he had locked himself out of his room which was likely to be embarrassing as I , for one , was not about to go down to reception for a key for him .
23 Very well , I 'll , let's just then move on to resolution number thr , thr , three as printed on your order paper .
24 On this night he did not then go straight to bed .
25 I am afraid I can not bear just yet to go back to Baldersdale .
26 Which were still dark ; the people had not yet gone upstairs to bed .
27 As she could hear Jack coming down the stairs she returned to the kitchen and picked up the metal spoon and plunged it into the saucepan which she had not yet put on to heat .
28 Each special effect is just barely holding on to credibility , waiting for that cut which often comes only just in time ( and sometimes a fraction late ) .
29 But given the choice and understanding , most of us would probably still rather face up to distress .
30 We think that the educational effort which would be needed for this would be more usefully directed simply to warning people against follow-on credit .
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