Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] was [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So it was decided that Oliver would help Sikes with the robbery in two days ' time .
2 And if by doing so it was to ensure that people who are already resident in this area are driven , this would be a totally inadequate response to the needs of the people of North Yorkshire .
3 Thus it was argued that William had a legitimate title to the throne because he won it by right of conquest in a just war .
4 But generally it was felt that mothers could be relied upon to exert themselves on behalf of their children and that mismanagement resulted more from ignorance than from vice .
5 During the inter-war period what trade union support there was for family allowances ( generally it was feared that allowances would lead to a wholesale reduction in wages and reduce the bargaining power of male workers ) , was based on the hope that they would lead to a withdrawal of married women from the workforce .
6 But yesterday it was revealed that lawyers for the survivors , victims ' families , the airline , Boeing and three companies that made the engines have agreed payments will not be restricted .
7 Yesterday it was revealed that PC Hall escaped death by a whisker when he was shot at point-blank range .
8 Also it was hoped that investors ( eg pension funds ) would put their money into property for letting , assured of a reasonable return .
9 It was also difficult for a man who was in debt to be truthful ; hence it was said that lying rode on debt 's back .
10 When school boards were set up it was anticipated that members would require information and training to carry out their new functions .
11 Eight months later it was announced that Nagy and his colleagues were to be rehabilitated .
12 Four days later it was announced that Tsedenbal had been stripped of his membership of the Mongolian Revolutionary Youth League .
13 It transpired that Peter Carrington and his Foreign Office team of Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce had all resigned , and a little later it was announced that Francis Pym was to take over as Foreign Secretary .
14 Until now it was assumed that sites deep underground provided a stable environment for buried waste .
15 , writes : MANY years ago I was told that Colgate toothpaste was made from pebbles from Chesil Beach , Dorset .
16 Well it was understood that Bisses got most of theirs from restaurants , and all restaurants I think had to sort of hand over all their waste for the war or something .
17 The initial agreement was a statement of principle rather than a binding promise , whereby it was agreed that countries should make every effort to ‘ use the best available technology that is economically feasible ’ to limit air pollution .
18 Then I was told that girls were being taken on the railways so I had to go to Ipswich and take two more exams and started work as a booking clerk at Needham Station when I was sixteen .
19 Then it was arranged that Hoare should on the way spend a day or so in Paris talking to Laval , who was temporarily Prime Minister as well as Foreign Minister of France .
20 Then it was discovered that birds such as pigeons and swifts have difficulty navigating if their sense of smell is damaged .
21 Then it was rumoured that Haj Amin al-Husseini , the Grand Mufti , was travelling from his postwar sanctuary in Lebanon to Acre and there was an ambush at Insherah on the bus believed to be carrying him .
22 Then it was agreed that Mrs Kemp would deal with all new cases .
23 By then it was agreed that Karen would do temporary work until she came to Hillmarden House in November .
24 The arguments over who he should drive for went on until the last minute when it was decided that Clark should make the fateful trip to Germany .
25 The Love Canal issue raised a scandal in the late 1970s , when it was revealed that families living in the area were at serious risk from chemical poisoning .
26 THE Queen came under fire last night when it was revealed that taxpayers fork out £369,000 for a day 's sailing in the royal yacht Britannia .
27 That view was supported last night when it was revealed that Anne would not promise to obey her new husband during the service at the stone and slate-built Crathie Church , close to Balmoral , on Saturday .
28 Tax relief on forest ownership has also been abolished due to the media uproar of 1988 when it was revealed that celebrities and business corporations were investing in conifer plantations as a tax dodge .
29 FRESH fears of a doping scandal emerged yesterday when it was revealed that Martin Pipe 's Triumph Hurdle candidate , Her Honour , had failed a post-race drug test .
30 His decision is now being appealed and Mrs Hamilton was in court yesterday when it was contended that Lord Prosser had been wrong to interpret the 1976 act in such a way as to exclude any case where a claim was made in respect of a person who was born alive but who died from ante-natal injury .
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