Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] would [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I knew as soon as I wrote it down I 'd go off the boil .
2 so I would go for the recommended and hope by this version of Windows it knows about Amstrads and will sort it out .
3 I was lucky that she was in most of my lessons but the lessons that she was n't in I would sit with the other friends from Stonham Aspel .
4 Inside I would sit on the dirt floor smoking cigarettes stolen from the drawing room .
5 Better to stroll back the way she had come , then perhaps she would cross over the road and look in the souvenir shop .
6 So she 'd go to the chemist not to the doctor then ?
7 So who would arrange for the funeral then ?
8 Perhaps everything would change like the names once she was out of their net .
9 He will be able to tell them about the Labour party 's opposition to discounts , but he will not be able to tell them how much they would pay under the Labour party system , because the Labour party will not say .
10 He was going to walk her to her other job in the bar , across the Jardin du Luxembourg ; perhaps they 'd sit in the late sunshine , near the thin young naked girl who looked exposed and hence signified Truth , the inscription said .
11 Together they would go to the Tivoli and Grand Theatres in Manchester , and when they got home he would get her to imitate the dances she had seen .
12 Normally a knight expected to serve for about forty days a year at his own expense ; the terms of his service might also be restricted — when and where he served , and for how long he would stay after the forty days if the king paid him .
13 I wonder how long he would last in the emasculated Audit Commission about which the Labour party has talked .
14 Others besides the agency girl must have seen them leaving together ; she wondered how long it would take for the news to reach Pete .
15 Perhaps he would move into the apartment .
16 Perhaps he would settle for the Magic Flute ?
17 Obviously it would depend on the issue , I mean , I 'm , I 'm trying to sort of help here .
18 The sun was getting low over the sea and in an hour or so it would dip below the horizon , where there were horizontal bars of dark colour .
19 So it 'd go from the , from the battery
20 Meanwhile I 'd go round the town interviewing trade unionists , redundant workers , councillors , tenants and community associations : the reform of men was not yet part of their agenda .
21 Somehow she would cope with the evening meal herself , but she kept silent about it .
22 If another bomb were to go off , just who would come through the ceiling ?
23 Normally she would sit in the audience chattering to those around her about her grandson on stage , and miss some of the dialogue .
24 We had to go from the School to the School for two years and back to the School again , and er finally we 'd go to the Academy .
25 Soon it would reappear behind the pipe , with footmarks on it .
26 In 324 on arriving in the East he felt sure that soon he would go to the Holy Land to see the sacred sites and to be baptized in Jordan .
27 But then , as he had said , if he did n't see her tonight he would come to the shop tomorrow .
28 The boy knew already what would happen to the woman .
29 It was too soon to know exactly what would happen to the factories if their efficiency remained in doubt after the 12 months are up , he said .
30 Right you 'd look at the bottom of the fraction ,
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