Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] be [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 So I am fighting for the profession .
2 So you 're going for the hour slots are n't you really ?
3 So we 're looking for the good , the average , and the unexceptional as well . ’
4 So we 're looking for the ideal candidate .
5 Perhaps they 're waiting for the police to lose interest . ’
6 So what 's left for the Nineties ?
7 As I turned away someone was shouting for the M.O .
8 ‘ … a fiscal and accounting entity with self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances and changes therein which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations , restrictions or limitations . ’
9 Tonight we 're heading for the finish in George Town .
10 It was 1973 and already we were preparing for the move to the States .
11 Moreover it was becoming for the first time , as a result of Peter 's administrative reforms , an institution concerned solely with diplomacy .
12 Partly I am mesmerised by its spinach-green tanks and cowling , its red pulleys , dogs and levers , its greasy leather belts , its twitching , glittering blades , stink of hot oil , petrol , exhaust … and partly I am praying for the chance that something — I 've no idea what , but just something — may go wrong … so that I , Jimbo , the firstborn , may step into the breach and save the day .
13 Now I 'm aiming for the top .
14 Now I 'm waiting for the police to call , following up a report that there 's some madman loose on the M1 , threatening to shoot other drivers . ’
15 You might then telephone the agent and find out who is acting for the seller .
16 Now she was waiting for the food to reach her at the rapidly expanding camp .
17 ‘ Even when I decided to go back with him last year I found out again how stubborn he could be , but now everything 's changed for the better . ’
18 And now we are to wait for the next ethnic war to intervene to salve our pitifully insensitive consciences and our failure to shape and conduct an effective policy : a neat one , no complications , allowing intervention with few , possibly no , losses .
19 Now they are searching for the fourth sister Pamela , who walked out at the age of 15 after a row with her father .
20 Now it is used for the hearing of court cases only .
21 HARDMAN Basile Boli has already left his mark on England 's Psycho — and now he 's gunning for the man they call Attila .
22 Now he was appealing for the confidence of politicians , not for the confidence of the people .
23 And that 's really what is needed for the concept of size you know .
24 It 's probably just as well I 'm leaving for the States on Saturday week . ’
25 Well I 'm going for the winter .
26 Here we are told for the first time such details as that the Moreens are American , that they require a resident tutor for their sickly child , and that Pemberton is looking for the tutor 's job ; or rather , we are not told , but are led to infer these facts , for James avoids a direct statement of them .
27 Fortunately , the bias against other accents and dialects has waned in recent years and today they are appreciated for the variety they bring to the language .
28 Surely they were interceding for the faithful on earth .
29 Mentally or instinctively he is looking for the pattern and his antennae are an outward expression of that inward instinct .
30 The blanket ban on the publishers not only would have led to virtually nothing being bought for the borough 's libraries , but it would have denied the borough those titles which do serve the fight against racism .
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