Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 So they can come with time off work and probably on an expense account , even to a far-flung location .
2 However pissed off we might get from time to time though , we 're going to have to accept that Wilko is at Elland Rd to stay .
3 They say that if it keeps up we shall sail on time . ’
4 But it 's rare and it depends on all kinds of things — like how mature you both are , how much experience of relationships you have and how well you could cope with time spent apart .
5 Erm and how we can speak to time and how we can control that time and make sure that even with interruptions which is what in a way what a meeting is about a discussion , that we 're able to stick to the time that we 've allocated for the particular meeting or presentation that we 've got .
6 Who knows , maybe it will appear with time , and by the end of the year we will be able to look back at Figure 2 and say that this was one of the first proofs of the existence of the W particle ?
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