Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb base] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I consider how successfully I have melted into the background recently .
2 People add a little on and eventually I have signed for a club and sold my house .
3 Come on your potty 's in here darling , come on you 'll trip over if you try and walk too far like that , come on I 've got to no come on .
4 Put the driver on I want to talk to the driver .
5 Suddenly I start puking into the road , but nothing comes up except this slimy stuff .
6 Perhaps I 've , perhaps I 've , perhaps I 've mixed in a very sheltered society .
7 So I 've thought of a solution .
8 So I let go of the pendant , gathered myself , and looked around .
9 So I think turning to the er suggested resolutions , they 're four main issues with and firstly that we are dissatisfied er with the method and needs consultation .
10 So I have to prise off the foe unassisted , which , believe me , takes some doing .
11 So I do feel for the chump who , late for a smart dinner party , dashes into the local off-licence and forks out £50 for a bottle of Mouton Rothschild 1988 .
12 So I do apologise for the confusion .
13 Long I have lingered by the banks of the Ness , looking on the town clinging to and rising above its banks ; often have I gone to the castle hill to trace the windings of the stream , which was ever smiling back or reflecting the sadder tones of the sky , and to gaze on the distant land of mountain and plain ; and I have also spent many hours in rapt admiration of the sylvan pictures that render the walk through the islands on the Ness a walk of walks : it yielded a joy as deep as that I received from the walks on Goat Island , within hearing and seeing of the rapid-flowing waters of Niagara .
14 I tell you another thing that amazes me , how any one with a Sovereign right , were a Sovereign in those days , could have given up the palace of Westminster which is so beautiful , palace , together I suppose reigned after the Duke of is it ?
15 Fourteen weeks ' full maternity pay for everyone and an end to the confusing restrictions on how long you have to work for the same company to qualify for your job back are just two of the expected improvements .
16 How much you get depends on how long you have worked for the employer and the accrued rate at which the pension builds up .
17 Maybe you have visited Amsterdam and want to venture further afield , or perhaps you prefer to stay outside the city and just visit Amsterdam for a day excursion .
18 Perhaps you have to go to the church at St Florian to understand why the music is as it is , with so many pauses and such great spaciousness .
19 Perhaps you have forgotten about the food subsidies ?
20 Obviously you 've slept with a bloke if you 've got a baby .
21 And obviously you want go in a little bit before that just in case somebody comes .
22 Obviously you need to appeal to the Regional Committee if as a branch you 're not happy , but this rule should n't need to be bent , we should have one that is ours to be used for branches , the General Secretary himself says that it 's happened on several occasions so let's be a real trade union , not one that borrows from Peter to pay Paul , let's have a proper rule for branches .
23 So you 've hit on an area that er make up a big advertising chunk that we have .
24 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
25 So you want to live on the coast ?
26 So you have compared with the
27 A measure of your success in a coaching session is when the subordinate feels the discussion has been between two equals and that together you have arrived at the best course of action .
28 The game is psychological as well as physical ; once you have your physical bits together you have to work on the psychological aspect and this seems to be the stage we 're at ’ .
29 However much we try to stave off the raw realities of birth and childcare — with pain-killing drugs , for instance — they must somehow be taken into account , or they will force their way through into consciousness in even more painful ways .
30 It 's an important question , because unless we remember the past , we 'll forget how much we have achieved during the last years .
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