Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [modal v] not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ee , cos the pain is too strong aye well I go to the doctor 's on Monday er a , and so I 'll not be going to our Ann 's this
2 Now though it is all very secure for me so I will not be going back , ’ she said .
3 So if your relationship breaks down you can not be charged each other 's Poll Tax bills , even if you are still living in the same house .
4 Perhaps she 'd not be required to answer .
5 So she might not be bothered if Louis lost his place to an heir .
6 If such claims can not be " explained away " ; if they do not reduce to ascriptions of certain attributes to certain entities ; if furthermore they can not be paraphrased simply in terms of knowledge , or translated into claims about the syntactical properties of certain expressions , the question is , how exactly should they be interpreted ?
7 Perhaps they could not be trusted ; they might run away .
8 From a purist point of view if the terms of debate set by the study of an inner city problematic are illegitimate then perhaps they should not be addressed at all .
9 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
10 There may be a good relationship between management and employees in most companies , but if people are not prepared to go down the road together they will not be allowed to go down the road at all .
11 Corporate executives could be incapacitated by imprisonment ; whilst inside they could not be victimizing employees , consumers , share-holders , or the general public .
12 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
13 And if she was , perhaps he ought not be trying to murder her ?
14 Obviously it 'll not be done for the launch but he 's made a smart job of it it looks really smart done it in yellow , erm and really later on this week I 'm just tidying up , I 've got to go and see F I B just to make sure everything 's in place with them in the mounted section and really this time a week tomorrow it 'll be launched .
15 This broad sense should include the ironic , metaphoric and implicit communicative content of an utterance , and so it can not be restricted to the conventional content of what is said .
16 However , the coefficients of this model are unknown , and so it can not be used in the empirical investigation of the risk premium .
17 ’ — And so it can not be allowed to occur .
18 Meanwhile she can not be moved .
19 If not they will not be accepted .
20 Thus it should not be assumed that older patients with ulcerative colitis have weaker sphincters than younger patients .
21 The court took the view that since the contract was formed at the reception desk , the notice in the bedroom did not form part of the contract , thus it could not be relied upon by the hotel as excluding liability .
22 Thus it can not be stressed too strongly that the process of transforming publicly available information artefacts into information that is directly usable with minimal resource expenditure by the strategic decision maker is almost always a very difficult and demanding job requiring a considerable amount of intelligence , training and expertise .
23 Thus it can not be expected that a consideration of the species present in an assemblage will identify the predator responsible for bringing it together even for large sample sizes ( Mason & Macdonald , 1980 ) .
24 This includes knowing what time of day to take it , how long you should continue taking it ( just until you feel better or until the end of the full course ? ) , whether or not it has any side-effects ( such as drowsiness ) , and whether or not it should not be taken in conjunction with certain foods or alcohol .
25 Meanwhile it should not be thought that no one is doing research into the uses of the printed book .
26 He did not volunteer any further suggestions but took her to one of the few French restaurants he knew in Soho , where hopefully she would not be reminded of the man she loved .
27 Usually we will not be given permission by the Legal Aid Board to issue proceedings and go to court until the investigation is finished .
28 In the past , some purists have said that all surface decoration applied to designed objects — all ornament , in other words — must be based on motifs which look flat , ie. they must not be drawn with a third dimension : you are allowed to make a pattern out of squares , so to speak , but not cubes .
29 Essex Social Services said yesterday they will not be applying to have the boy taken into care .
30 Police , who were forced to intervene , said later they would not be taking any action .
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