Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] [not/n't] [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 by the side of my head and she landed up , sort of like this on the floor but sh , apparently she did n't quite get that right !
2 So you do n't really get any break at all but on a
3 so you do n't actually get a true version of what happened
4 It is different from country to country , and I sometimes feel I mean I 'm not sure whether I 'm being unfair to our industry here , but it does seem to me that perhaps we have n't quite got our act together yet , we 're going in the right direction , but we have n't quite got there .
5 And so we did n't actually get any relief to the A sixty one in that particular test .
6 See this man here , he he thinks he 's comfortable with his wig , but he wears the jacket so we do n't even get to look at his hair .
7 So they have n't actually got ta formed a corporate strategy on the actual prod product development .
8 So it 's not only got to be done , that 's the problem .
9 I would agree with you that if the if we have gone along and said to people , well er yo , we 've got alternative accommodation for you and they have n't wanted to go then , well I 'm sure that we hope not to give them that er er , alternative accommodation er , and it 's not in our interest at all to er , keep er , places empty , and further more we have n't really got er enough er , alternative places to put er , these er tenants in so I 'm that it 's as the result of the sort of dwellings that er we 've er we now find ourselves with as a result of the er initial buildings in the first place .
10 Now you do n't really get three pound sixty do you Claire ?
11 Now we have n't even got the phone box .
12 Inevitably they do not always get it right .
13 Yeah well I have n't really got time .
14 Well I have n't long got up
15 Well you have n't even got that cos the sailing 's ten o'clock on the Sunday morning .
16 Well you do n't even get co-operation like that within a single family unit do you ?
17 Right well you did n't actually get any objections so you couldn't 've handled them , you did n't mention about the prospect contacting the referrals prior to the being made er at the end you did actually bring up did n't you about the , the cricketer , is , is he a batsman then said he was a erm said he was a er all-rounder so you know I 'll , I 'll give you that
18 Some of its products move so fast they do n't even get into the catalogue .
19 Lee , Lee surely he has n't even got his form away , form away yet .
20 Sometimes we do n't even get a letter back .
21 if Brian did n't think we needed it then it did n't even get a lookout let alone er er resources allocated to it .
22 were almost erm okay just like that , I mean there were one or two very good ones , I think there was one that was just about like that with the odd word and when an editor receives something like you , you know , it 's usually going to be something he wants to change very slightly , erm that , those were the best ones , there were in general however you have n't yet got used to the idea of editing .
23 That 's why you do n't just get a print-out every month from us ; you get a set of charge forms .
24 ‘ In confidence , though again we have n't yet got the word officially — no , not drowned .
25 So he had to stand there , in the office of the Roadworking Operatives Supervisor in the Islington Council Seven Sisters Road Highways Department Depot , sweating like a pig and wondering why they did n't just get on with it and sack him as he listened to Mr Smith and his eyes hurt and he could smell his own body-odour again .
26 Of course , they are being treated with the contempt they deserve and you have to wonder why they do n't just get a life …
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