Example sentences of "[adv] [be] see in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Socially , at this point the significance of design as such is more or less lost : significance can only been seen in terms of problems solved or products produced .
2 Such figures had not been seen in Germany since the early 1950s and , as elsewhere in Europe , heavy industry was worst hit .
3 And although they have not been seen in Ireland for many years , sometimes they are heard .
4 Since bananas have not been seen in Romania for years and many children have never eaten one before , they sell quickly .
5 The real danger today is not of being seen to condone precipitate separatism but , through the impotence of our response so far , of being seen to condone brutal and barbaric behaviour of a kind that has not been seen in Europe since the 1940s .
6 Hillingdon 's thesis was that ‘ unexpressed needs ’ , though felt , had not been seen in terms of a library solution , whilst in the case of ‘ unactivated need ’ the library stimulated demand for needs which had not even been felt .
7 Second , there are some works which simply have not been seen in exhibitions in the past .
8 It stated : ‘ Although the voluntary system , as we have shown , was once the chief form of collective action outside the Poor Law , it can now best be seen in terms of the ways in which it complements , supplements , extends and influences the informal and statutory systems ’ ( p. 26 ) .
9 It was said that the ‘ Treasures of Britain' exhibition could not be seen in England for lack of somewhere suitable to mount it .
10 It suggests that the individual can not be seen in isolation from the other parts of the system , and that each part of the system is essential and related to every other part in order to attain a certain outcome .
11 The most severe cases have usually been seen in dogs of 6-12 months old , and obviously the infection is of greater importance in working dogs .
12 These senior PR personnel attend many different kinds of meetings , write new business presentations , PR proposals and reports , and usually are seen in action during crisis PR situations and when major and important high-points in a campaign are happening .
13 It was for many years claimed to be the earliest example of the true arch in Europe , but it is now recognised that it was constructed in the sixth century as an open drain and that it was only roofed over with its present stone vault of three concentric rings of radiating voussoirs in 184 B.C. Its exit into the Tiber can still be seen in Rome near the Ponte Rotto ( 68 ) .
14 Rises in whole body turnover rates have also been seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease .
15 Change and complexity in village plans and settlement development can also be seen in Norfolk from the research of Peter Wade-Martins .
16 Evaluation of the project can also be seen in terms of how useful the teacher sees the microcomputer in the project .
17 This Engels does by showing that the Greek and Roman states , the ‘ sacred ’ sources of the European ideal , were based on principles which can also be seen in embryo among much less prestigious peoples , the American Indians .
18 Minimalism can also be seen in action at La Réserve in Fulham and the Sterling hotels at Heathrow and Gatwick .
19 As a consequence of this concept of an historical construction of sexuality , a third point of contact lies in the rejection , both by the interactionists and Foucault , of the notion that the history of sexuality — especially in the nineteenth century — can fruitfully be seen in terms of ‘ repression ’ .
20 JUST because we have n't been seen in LINK for a while — it does n't mean its been quiet at Crediton !
21 This kind of asymmetry can even be seen in pairs of originally parallel male and female terms , like bachelor and spinster or courtier and courtesan .
22 Such heroic ambition reminds one of the ambition which can frequently be seen in sons of mothers who have made their children too dependent on them but who are themselves ambitious and aggressive and unconsciously see their male children as their own frustrated masculinity — in the concrete terms in which the unconscious always thinks , as their penis .
23 It can then be seen in Vienna at the Kunsthistorisches Museum from 2 April until 16 May .
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