Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [num ord] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the curtain came down for the fourth time the ‘ helpers ’ all gave a huge sigh and reverted back to responsible adults !
2 By that time , the feeder pipe of magma will have become fairly well insulated from the sea , so for the first time the cherry red glow of liquid lava will be seen , and small lava flows will emerge , cementing the island together .
3 We 're in the happy position of not needing any more money , so for the first time the bosses are n't in it for the profit .
4 In conclusion , this book has brought together for the first time the work of all the main researchers and provides a motivating set of reviews for any interested scientist .
5 Another splendidly flighted pass found McClair in the danger zone , but not for the first time the Scot 's control was wayward .
6 She smiled warmly , and not for the first time the girl thought how incredibly lovely her mistress was .
7 In the higher sea level of the first interglacial , any mud left would be at too great depths to be disturbed by waves and hence for the first time the seas would be clear enough for reef-building corals to flourish .
8 Outside his ears picked up for the first time the rustling of invisible leaves and the rattle of window-frames : the wind was rising .
9 It was only when he was confronted by God , broken and forced to give up his pride , that he began to see clearly for the first time the vast difference between living a self-directed life and living for God .
10 as if in recognition of the inherent limitations of the appeals system in this respect , the Magistrates ' Association issued a set of national guide-lines , in 1999 , which set out for the first time a scale of recommended penalties covering the 25 commonest offence types likely to come before the magistrates , together with guidance on the approach to be adopted for different degrees of seriousness .
11 This document sets out for the first time an integrated policy and management system , with the emphasis on continuous improvement .
12 But now for the first time the diocese was being consulted — informally , quietly , but systematically .
13 Now for the first time the ferret can progress beyond the rabbit and get at its head .
14 Here for the first time a Celtic writer proclaimed the superiority of British early breakfast over Latin siesta .
15 Here for the first time the actual shape of the Council was outlined .
16 At a press conference held on April 30 Lee acknowledged officially for the first time the existence of a CCP-led government in Beijing .
17 Particularly satisfying has been the successful assault on the German market where for the first time the company has secured orders for filament-wound rollers .
18 The White Paper also recognized publicly for the first time a stark fact that was becoming increasingly obvious : that with the steep decline in the birth rate the number of teachers in training would have to be sharply reduced to avoid a gross overproduction of teachers .
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