Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is much to be said for continuing the practice of reading to children right through the later primary years , letting them hear the cadences of book language and , where possible , letting them follow the text as well .
2 We have put in an offer but it seems there is a vacuum somewhere between the two naval ministries . ’
3 I could see what went on through the two front windows despite the 4p off Whiskas stickers , and I have to admit I was impressed .
4 I told the stationer I 'd be back for my parcel , and wandered on through the cold sunny streets .
5 It was at about this time that the Duke of Devonshire created the splendid avenue of lime trees which started beside some large houses — Afton House ; Bolton House and Linden House — on the south side of Chiswick High Road , and extending down to the northern boundary of Chiswick House grounds , sweeping on through the magnificent wrought-iron gates , at the end of Hogarth Lane , and continuing through the gardens to the house .
6 It was the end of a trail which had had its beginnings in those first rumblings of Henry Fairlie against the Establishment and Malcolm Muggeridge against the Monarchy ; a trail that had led on through the Angry Young Men and all the resentments sown by Suez , through the heyday of affluence , through all the mounting impatience with convention , tradition and authority that had been marked by the teenage revolution and the CND and the New Morality , through the darkening landscape of security scandals and What 's Wrong With Britain and the rising aggression and bitterness of the satirists , in ever more violent momentum .
7 For mile after mile the car ran on through the shadowy rubber groves where the straight-trunked trees with herringbone scars and metal latex cups stretched unendingly into the distance on either side of the road .
8 While Robyn is getting up , and getting ready for the day , thinking mostly about the nineteenth-century industrial novels on which she has to lecture this morning , I will tell you about Charles , and other salient facts of her biography .
9 Fusion funding remains steady , but with the money now divided mostly between the two leading machines , the tokamak and mirror-fusion .
10 You do n't have to be a historian to know a pretty flower when you see one , and although this is not intended to be a text book — there is more than enough literature available to fulfil that function — I do suggest that your enjoyment of roses can be enhanced by knowing just a little about the many different kinds , and such matters as why they are cultivated in certain ways , why they are pruned , and so on — and to see a strange word , and know what it means !
11 I stepped carefully over the city wall , which was less than a metre high , and walked slowly through the two main streets .
12 Laura walked slowly through the open french windows , out on to the stone terrace .
13 Aid to parents is provided mostly through the basic social services .
14 Not surprisingly , Ontos ' chief technical officer , Timothy Andrews , claims his company 's technology is at the top of pile of object contenders , but he admits that there is room enough for the five main players in a market that is worth some $100m-$150m-a-year in his estimation .
15 And you keep the person in that condition long enough for the damaged red cells to be replaced .
16 OLD ASIA hands still talk nostalgically about the Good Old Days in many of the region 's cities and ports , which have since had much of their former life and glamour squeezed out of them by oppressive regimes , overcrowding or economic decline .
17 This says much about the worthwhile underlying values of social work and provides grounds for hope .
18 I wandered one more time round the whole place , seeing the sunlight slant in through the barred unopenable windows ( which would keep people out as well as horses in ) , smelling the sweet hay and the faint musty odour of the horses themselves , feeling the swirls of fresh air coming from the rows of small ventilators along the roof , hearing the creaking and rushing noises in the car 's fabric and the grind of the electricity-generating wheels under the floor .
19 Dot peered in through the tiny curtained windows of the dolls ' house and saw quiet furnished rooms , the playroom , kitchen , parlour , waiting to be lived in , a table set for tea , beds to be slept in , armchairs to be sat on .
20 On this bright evening , they were looped back by twisted and tasselled cords ; light came streaming in through the sashed plate-glass windows .
21 Devon and Cornwall 's canals connected agricultural areas with the goods they needed which came in through the many small ports .
22 People and cars always came in through the big double gates .
23 Suddenly they were in a huge , enchanting sitting-room , with the sun pouring in through the open French windows that gave a magnificent view out over the bay .
24 In fact , even the Japanese language version of these is worth a look , if only for the few English words that remain obstinately untranslatable and stick out glaringly among the elegant Japanese characters .
25 This view is summarized in a memorandum sent to embassies abroad by the Foreign Office early in 1945 , arguing for a necessary linkage of diplomatic commitments to economic strength , but going on to state that Britain 's looming economic problems were likely to be temporary : ‘ It must , however , be stressed that , given skill and good fortune , our financial difficulties will be acute only during the immediate post-war years .
26 Strolling alone between the tall old buildings in Merchants Street , through the Saturday morning throngs , cool and comfortable in white sundress and dark glasses , Caroline reflected with a stab of surprise that she was really enjoying herself .
27 Although the mechanisms behind this geographical variance are unclear , what is not in dispute is that spatial polarization in voting behaviour has increased steadily , especially during the three general elections of 1979 , 1983 and 1987 , making it difficult to disagree with the conclusion that the ‘ nationalization ’ of British politics has now been replaced by an emerging local differentiation .
28 Age specific death rates do not differ much between the non-manual social classes .
29 Monitoring included regular meetings — quarterly for the whole social services and primary health care teams and monthly for one general practitioner , the social services team leader ( care manager ) , and the team manager of the community health unit .
30 Even better were the days when there was no box and she and Andrew rode home together through the short dark evenings , gentle friends , warm goodnights calling to them , stresses of the day , wonderful or not so wonderful , over and past , the time for loving and giving nearer …
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