Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , take what occurs around the 29th or thereabouts as a definite sign or signal from the heavens that not only must life go on , but that it also has to get better and better .
2 Now if you assume that they were paid somewhere between a half-day allowance and a full-day allowance , you 're probably looking at somewhere up towards fifteen hundred pounds .
3 I recently took my beloved Washburn EA30 out of its case only to find that , somewhere between a local theatre and home , I 'd managed to lose one of the plastic slide covers from the EQ ; a tiny thing , I know , but unless you 're Superman , totally unnoticeable from more than a foot away .
4 But , in the Jewishness stakes , sweetheart , the kosher ayatollahs who run this neighbourhood would place you somewhere between a Tibetan lama and the fairy on top of the Christmas tree .
5 Such Arbitrator shall be at liberty to construe this Agreement and deal with differences arising thereunder as an honourable engagement and not be bound by strict rules of law .
6 If this were so , the strengthening of the various associations generated by the inhibitory conditioning procedure would proceed only slowly for a pre-exposed stimulus and this effect could well outweigh any advantage that the existence of a stimulus-no event association might bestow .
7 His wife Maggie kept on eye on him but said it was all right for a special occasion and that he could rejoin the pledge tomorrow .
8 College lecturers have voted overwhelmingly for a one-day strike and a total ban on flexible working over pay , the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education announced yesterday .
9 Specialist series : These programmes are usually on for a limited period and cover specialist subjects such as holidays , motoring , food and wine or industry .
10 It will go on for a long time but lost it is already . ’
11 This view lingered on for a long time and probably still exists to this day .
12 ‘ The attack went on for a long time and the victim is obviously very shocked , ’ said police .
13 and I thought to myself that blooming cat 's after them and er it kept on for a long time and then , so I opened the window and looked out a big black cat was here where 's the big black cat coming from ?
14 The only exception is the sort of heat fault that makes a machine malfunction after it has been switched on for a given time or when the room warms up .
15 Colleagues , it 's approximately four twenty five , what I propose to do is to go on for a short period and to take in the resolutions on the , on your erm Maastricht erm and then we 'll have a look at the time , but I think we should be able to get those in within a , a relatively short period of time .
16 He has stayed on as a special adviser and in April will start teaching at his alma mater , Chuo University .
17 Apparently this did not produce the desired reaction from Stanley , so Wyatt went on 17th December to see Scott who , with a disarming naïveté , immediately agreed to a proposal from Wyatt that he should take him on as an equal partner and relinquish half the work to him .
18 She could see only through a watery mist and realized after a moment 's panic that she still had her reading glasses on .
19 The conduct of pedagogic research as I have defined it here presupposes attitudes and approaches to techniques of teaching which are developed only through an educational perspective and this in turn calls for a continuous programme of in-service support .
20 But on the night of January 1st , thieves crept in through a back door and took £30,000 worth of family heirlooms , including two trophies won by the stud farm nearly a century ago :
21 Jay Disley was spotted by the police looking in through a broken window and his accomplice Simon Brooklyn was found in the kitchen of the house in Berrybank Crescent .
22 She was n't one of these poor deprived kids who slipped in through an open window or an inadequately locked door and then did not know better than to steal a television or a video .
23 Instead officers climbed in through an open window and arrested Mr Bellamy .
24 The conservative teacher who is looking only for a reasonable salary and a peaceful life .
25 A worker-directed study conducted in the mid-1970s considered as temporary workers all who had a job which was available only for a limited time and all who were themselves available for their jobs for only a limited period of time .
26 … the obligation [ entails ] two principal elements ; first , the existence of a relationship giving access , directly or indirectly , to information intended to be available only for a corporate purpose and not for the personal benefit of anyone , and second , the inherent , unfairness involved where a party takes advantage of such information knowing it is unavailable to those with whom he is dealing .
27 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 755 ) Beornred succeeded to the kingdom on the death of Aethelbald but held it only for a short time and unhappily .
28 Because we knew that the headmaster of the Scuola Medie Inferiori , where I was now in my last year , was not in a position to punish us if we did not appear for lessons on demonstration days , many of us took part only for a short time and then went home .
29 In 1839 he succeeded Stephen Rigaud [ q.v. ] as reader in experimental philosophy ( physics ) at Oxford , becoming responsible not only for a well-established course but also for an extensive collection of apparatus with an endowment for its development .
30 The pattern of pitch which accompanies the first clause or group of words will be recognised by an English listener as in some way complete and it will hold it together as a separate unit and separate it from the following clause , which will also be held together by intonation .
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