Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] area of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Contrastive exercises where distinct structures are brought into contrast , especially in common areas of confusion ;
2 And er , one of the big scientific problems with psychoanalysis is that privacy and confidentiality are prominent , as obviously in other areas of science , you can er , the demonstration has to be in public , as it were .
3 Instead , we will focus only on broad areas of application which can serve as exemplars of the kinds of impact multi-media has in store .
4 Employers have until recently been kept at arms ' length and away from sensitive areas of involvement within academic institutions , including management .
5 Meanwhile in other areas of life , even church life , professionalization and training has been given an increasingly high profile .
6 The North , if it does not accelerate up-market into high-tech areas of design and production , will become lost and stagnant .
7 Subtle metallic sheens and bold black spots and lines set off with red areas of finnage , combine to produce a truly pretty fish .
8 Many topics , such as fluid-rock interactions , fracture mechanics , palaeomagnetic field directions and computer simulation of fault growth link directly with other areas of Earth science .
9 As a result in 1947 an agreement was signed with the Americans , known as the UK-USA Treaty , whereby the world would be split up into different areas of operation and GCHQ and its American counterpart the National Security Agency ( NSA ) , would share out the intelligence work on the most economical basis .
10 The pages lead automatically from general areas of interest to specific LIFESPAN operations , depending on the sequence of options selected from each page .
11 The pages lead automatically from general areas of interest to specific LIFESPAN operations , depending on the sequence of options selected from each page .
12 These examples have been chosen not because they are necessarily typical or representative but because they illustrate interesting practices which are now underway to a greater or lesser extent both across different areas of adult education , ( Local Education Authority , mainstream provision , Further Education colleges , the Responsible Bodies ) and outside the formal boundaries of adult education ( an employment project , and the Trades Union Congress Centres ) .
13 Islamabad has told Afghan rebel groups to move arms dumps out of populated areas of north-west Pakistan where a huge explosion killed upto 40 people last week .
14 The unknown is always the most fearsome , opening out into wide areas of conjecture .
15 British children lose out in critical areas of education .
16 D. The upland farmers concentrate on keeping livestock , mainly on large areas of land which the farmers have left as rough grazing .
17 Castells has now moved on to new areas of research , one of these being new forms of communications technology and the threats and opportunities represented by such developments.3 Meanwhile , however , his emphasis on consumption set the tone for a very thriving area of urban sociology by later writers in this tradition .
18 If you are losing children do spend time with the dissatisfied parents to explore not just the event that has brought the situation to a head but dig deep for other areas of dissatisfaction , hostility or conflict .
19 Interpreting roleplays for instance are not only useful in interpreting courses — they are already used sometimes in other areas of language teaching to good effect .
20 It is possible to gain credits either for complete areas of study or for single elements .
21 Several unions , conscious that their membership had fallen in recent years and looking round for new areas of recruitment , homed in on " non-standard " workers .
22 Both questions and feedback have a prospective as well as a retrospective function : they enable the child to build on present understanding and to move forward into new areas of learning .
23 Apart from small areas of overlap , there is no direct competition between contractors in any region except London , where the franchise is split between weekday and weekend ( Friday evening to Sunday evening ) contractors .
24 The Council confirmed the broad outline of the present Stock Exchange automated quotation system ( Seaq ) , but agreed to look more closely at specific areas of operation .
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