Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] first [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I remember he laughed and I noticed properly for the first time what a lovely blue his eyes were and a little thrill went through me .
2 You remember I said to you that the only thing any witnesses could agree on about the first bloke who killed himself was his staring eyes ? ’
3 The curriculum laid down for the first time what pupils should learn in 10 subjects .
4 Perhaps for the first time he felt something akin to Eliza 's feelings , as he watched his boxes and bottles winched aboard ship and slowly disappear over the horizon .
5 So for the first activity you 'll need to be in twos or threes .
6 Women are so utterly used to working with their own bodies : we are trained to do so from the first time we wear pink-for-a-girl , and a concentration upon the significations of our physicality is encouraged to a far greater extent than is the case with boys and men .
7 So in the first case they 've given him , the first place they 've given him six six six five allowances but then they pull back the total of those three .
8 There is a fine hall inside on the first floor which has a pendant timber roof and modern frescoes round the walls .
9 I walked in at the first door I saw .
10 Thus for the first portfolio we have .
11 Tonight for the first time she saw him as an attractive young man rather than as a boss .
12 Tonight for the first time I was deeply worried after seeing the pictures of the attack on a civilian shelter .
13 Thus a suspect defence completed the qualifying programme of six matches without conceding a goal ; they must be doing something right , although not for the first time their debt to Shilton was manifest .
14 Not for the first time he reflected on the power of grief .
15 Not for the first time he wished he believed in something as much as Gurder did so he could complain to it about his life .
16 Not for the first time he thought how monotonous it was , this unerring selection of inappropriate objects of desire .
17 Not for the first time he concluded that the Empire was inclined too quickly to dismiss mutant and alien societies and to confuse technological advancement with civilisation .
18 Not for the first time he wondered why it should affect him like that , when he himself was fond of Chuck and admired him , too .
19 As my one hundred and eighty-nine pounds in their six feet frame laboured up behind him , not for the first time I smiled , remembering the advice of the South American Handbook to ‘ try and look as little like a tourist as possible ’ .
20 The sun beat into the sedan , and not for the first time I questioned the desirability of our climate as applied to automobile drivers .
21 Not for the first time it occurred to him how vulnerable his position was , and he reflected ruefully that there was probably no more security or protection in the rank of Khan than there had been in any of the various honours which he had received while he had been an intimate of the clique which had surrounded Nogai .
22 Not for the first time she thought her father would have made a wonderful actor .
23 Not for the first time she found herself pitying Sarah Morey .
24 Not for the first time she missed her husband dreadfully .
25 Not for the first time she wondered how on earth her father had persuaded the children to call him ‘ Gamps ’ and decided that he had done it for the sole purpose of driving her mad .
26 Not for the first time she wondered cynically whether she craved Tyler Blacklock because he was tall , darkly handsome and unattainable , or because he was fast becoming a very rich and influential man .
27 Not for the first time she cursed the lack of experience wth men that left her with no clue as to how to interpret what happened between them .
28 Not for the first time she wished she had a car .
29 The house has two good sized reception rooms on the ground floor with a kitchen extension just behind the first floor we have the bathroom , the rear elevation and two bedrooms also access to the third bedroom which has been converted from the attic .
30 You can almost tell just from the first time they 're doing their marking .
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