Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This happened only for the deeper intervals and also had the effect of nearly destroying the core .
2 It gets a little complicated when you have currency fluctuations that go together with the lower volumes and some of the higher costs … so I think you will continue to see a difference between English and European software , ’ he said .
3 Some of the guilds were quite large , especially in the greater towns and cities , and wealthy enough to have not only their own chantry priest but also their own altars within the church , and there were even instances when funds allowed for the building of an additional aisle as a guild chapel .
4 At first glance , you may not notice any obvious differences , but if you look more closely you may spot a slight increase in the graininess of the picture at the LP speed , especially in the darker areas or if you were shooting in poor light .
5 Voluntary bodies also played , and still do play , a prominent part in family welfare , especially in the larger towns and cities .
6 Not being a member of the goigama ( farmer ) caste , he identified easily with the lower orders and poured money into rural welfare schemes .
7 Thus we find that the Tories did best in the larger boroughs and in the counties , where they won over 90 per cent of the seats .
8 It was a situation whose benefits went largely to the richer tenant-farmers and the landowners rather than to the ordinary yeoman or labourer .
9 Thus , along with several of his contemporaries at the Palace , Ronnie Dunn was only really appreciated by the Palace fans and not on the bigger stages that his prowess deserved .
10 A few have become derelict as smaller farms have been taken over by the larger conglomerates but many have been restored for non-farming families : that is , those which have not got past the point of no return after being left open to the four winds for too many years ; fit only for pigeon habitation .
11 He also says that Caesar started off in the lower classes and built himself up to where he stood and could only look down on the lower classes by turning his back on his friends and former colleagues .
12 Street encounters — both between the lower classes and the police and amongst the former — embodied all the elements of contrariness produced by a culture of desperation and survival .
13 The children marched down the stairs , the nun coming behind , and in the hall they met up with the older girls and , now forming two files , they walked , hands joined as if in prayer , slowly along a corridor , and into the chapel .
14 After a year or so the rope was taken up from the lower floors and wound on to a cleat on the top storey .
15 As the numbers and grades of medreses increased with the passage of time , so also did the numbers and grades of mevleviyets , the term used here in the sense which would appear to have been valid , with minor qualifications , at least from the latter half of the sixteenth century , namely as comprising principally the kazaskerliks and the important kadiliks-the mevleviyet kadiliks — to which one moved on from the higher medreses and through which one moved , if one were fortunate , eventually to reach the kazaskerliks and , by the end of the sixteenth century , the Muftilik .
16 Hartmann ( 1979 ) argues that male workers are able to keep women out of the better jobs because of their organization , and that as a consequence women are obliged to marry on unfavourable terms , such that they have to do most of the housework .
17 Thakin Ba Sein , the first leader of Do-Bama Asi-Ayone , who had fallen out with the younger Thakins and formed a rival party , came in .
18 Some 15 million of them served in the armed forces , over 11 million going overseas ; and it is estimated that another 15 million moved from their homes , mainly in the smaller towns and the rural areas , to the booming sites of the war industries , such as those in California .
19 But despite the presence of several musical forms here — canzonas , capriccios , ricercars and motets — and it does begin to sound a bit samey , and I was just beginning to tap my fingers halfway through when the Loeki Stardusters began their arrangements of a part of Palestrina 's Lamentations of Jeremiah , a hauntingly beautiful piece of music , arranged here for a lower-pitched recorders than the rest of the programme .
20 Were there a lot of these er particularly amongst the older men and the and the inspectors and that that kind of thing , were there a And you 've talked about , a lot of the old ideas were still
21 I 've played well against the better teams and the better players .
22 Many of the big vipers possess fangs that are about an inch long , but the gaboon 's huge teeth are nearly 2 inches in length , penetrating well into the deeper tissues where there is a rich supply of blood vessels to carry the poison away .
23 Particularly in the older towns and cities such as London , Bristol and Cambridge , there is evidence that churches were built on leys .
24 Regrettably , theft losses from people 's homes have gone up alarmingly , particularly in the larger towns and cities and , as a result , we have had to increase some of our rates .
25 The cost of claims for theft particularly in the larger towns and cities has increased quite noticeably .
26 The richness and variety of plant life in Teesdale is well known , particularly in the lower-lying areas where some plants common in the south have their northernmost limit .
27 But pollsters believe his efforts are all in vain , and claim that Clinton is performing just as well in the smaller states and could win as many as 302 of the 538 electoral college votes .
28 A moment of foolishness with a man in one 's youth , Louise dear , is more common even among the better classes than you might think .
29 There may have been little or no discussion of these issues , even among the higher clerics and ecclesiastical advisers , but Innocent was too polished a performer not to realize the public relations advantages of pronouncement in a general council .
30 And then like the smaller ones although they , they twenty five
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