Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [num ord] year of " in BNC.

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1 The oral phase occurs in about the first year of a child 's life .
2 Consequently decreased mortality among all ages ( but especially in the first year of life ) , together with a long-term reduction in fertility , have combined to produce an ageing population structure .
3 The landlord may wish to have some control over the external colour scheme , but the tenant should resist a provision for the landlord 's consent to the internal colour scheme , except perhaps in the last year of the term where the tenant does not propose to seek a renewal .
4 The findings were drawn from the study of both cohorts but relate only to the first year of the course .
5 Men in small firms experience an earlier and lower peak growth rate which very quickly drops away after the twenty-fifth year of service .
6 Do not give the child eggs , fish , chocolate , wheat , oranges , peanuts or other nuts for at least the first six months , and preferably for the first year of life .
7 This will protect those personal community charge payers who would otherwise have been more than £3 per week worse off in the first year of Community Charge .
8 Karen made application early in the second year of the course to a number of major national travel companies as an overseas representative .
9 However the continuation of active addictive disease is even more boring and oppressive and the initial enthusiasm usually matures gradually within the first year of recovery .
10 The ‘ standing army ’ of over a million unemployed was mopped up during the first year of hostilities , and between 1939 and 1943 almost 3 million jobs were added to the labour market , including many jobs for women .
11 up on the last year of the Labour Government .
12 The family seems to have died out about the 31st year of Edward III .
13 Brothers and colleagues statistics show that the majority of car accidents are mainly within the first year of people passing their driving test .
14 Character is calculated exactly to support the theme of hierarchy on shipboard in Trial Trip , where a galley boy discovers that he is not entirely free to resume a schoolboy friendship with Tich , now in the second year of his apprenticeship , and in Out of the Shallows , where a sixteen-year-old apprentice with a decided chip on his shoulder suffers from the complications which friendship with a steward brings , particularly as the steward , a thoroughly shifty individual , is merely using him as a way of furthering his own ends .
15 Now in the second year of its operations , the NRA has conducted 574 prosecutions .
16 Dr Nigel Paul , a Lancaster biologist now in the third year of a research programme funded by the Department of the Environment , said yesterday that preliminary research suggested crops such as barley , peas , cauliflower , sprouts and broccoli were most at risk .
17 My mother is now in the third year of her relationship .
18 Now in the third year of a five-year contract , The Enterprise Centre is funding 43 projects , with the active support of a growing number of Employer Partners , throughout the University .
19 We are now in the third year of recession
20 The income from customs dues , which had risen sharply in the first year of the reign , thanks to Mary 's reforms , was remarkably sluggish thereafter .
21 The Faculty of Health Sciences at Moi University , Eldoret , is now 5 years old , with its first undergraduates half-way through the 3rd year of a 6-year course .
22 Some widows , for instance , show signs of bitterness and anger , particularly during the first year of bereavement .
23 Even into the second year of contracts , when DHAs were beginning to get better information on which to base changes in contracts , regional regulation is tight .
24 Over the past decade a sudden surge of research reports managed to answer the question of when people achieve a basic grasp of psychology : sometime in the fifth year of life we lay down the framework for generalisable inferences about the intentions of others .
25 Foreign observers were not universally dismissive ; and the contact with Scotsmen which she had , particularly in the last year of her life in France , could have told her much , had she cared to listen .
26 For he later wrote the enigmatic poem To a Sea-cliff ( Durlston Head ) with its suggestion of estrangement even in the first year of their married life .
27 Mr Deputy Speaker that 's exactly what the authorities are asked to make sure about and of course they must have sensible plans so that there are always beds and facilities for those who need them , but in a way it 's a success of care in the community that that more elderly people are being looked after in their own homes and so we 've arrested the very rapid growth in permanent residential places which was occurring before the policy was introduced er , as we now see , despite some gloomy forewarning , local authorities have in general managed well in the first year of their responsibilities , they 've examined thousands of cases and many people have been helped to make decisions about their own futures .
28 The attachment to a preferred person develops most strongly in the first year of life .
29 From the United States came reports of the battles on campus and in the south , and writers like jazz critic and Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff ; from London came a critique of Wilson 's first stumbling days of power , a concern with the new politics of ecology , the black movement , Vietnam , Algeria , Cuba by then in the sixth year of revolutionary rule — the seizure of Burroughs 's The Naked Lunch by the Director of Public Prosecutions , R. D. Laing on ‘ Violence Masquerading as Love ’ , the campaign to legalize marijuana .
30 Given that , at least in the first year of the new council tax , there will still be two-tier authorities in the shires , I hope that the Bill will be as tight as a drum to ensure that the tiered authorities that are not up for election do not use that freedom from the ballot box — as happened in Nottinghamshire with the poll tax — to wreck the council tax in the way that they wrecked the poll tax in its first year .
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