Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I filed that away and asked if it was all right for the girls to stay until the doctors had done their rounds .
2 The river needs to be deep enough for the otters to swim and catch fish , the dog otter eating two or three pounds of fish every day , it needs to have thick covering of vegetation along the banks and above all , the water must be clean , fresh and not polluted in any way .
3 The trick is to make the qualification time long enough so that the people who go to a club towards the end of their career and get large transfer bonuses do not qualify , but short enough for the players to feel that they will not have to wait half their lives to get theirs .
4 But they survived long enough for the continents to regroup and to radically alter the atmosphere .
5 He used to make films for BDM Productions when there was money enough for the Arts to play and flourish .
6 The statement comes after weeks of uncertainty , with deadlines being set for a deal , only for the dates to come and go , with no sale even close .
7 There are many other points besides the ones on this ladder of powers , both in between the values shown and above and beneath them , but we shall rarely have any need to go beyond those shown .
8 He was guilty under s.2(1) ( b ) in respect only of the debts made while he was manager and not of debts incurred previously by the hotel owner .
9 On the gallops they 've huddled in against the hedgerows to watch and study the form .
10 He has a tattoo on his left arm of a heart with the letter A inside with the names Pat and Joe underneath .
11 I will also introduce a few grains of hemp into the swim along with the maggots to try and bring the bigger dish onto the feed .
12 As well as co-operating with software houses , Aldus will be introducing a range of filters itself together with a programmers kit that allows special versions to be generated by the user — given that he or she can write programs in C.
13 We believe this arises out of a lack of knowledge of the nature of BSL , together with the factors described as social and psychological distance which , when producing significant effects , predict the creation of some pidgin form .
14 J. G. Frazer further suggests that the story of Jacob 's dream ( which was deemed so extremely significant that the spot on which it took place was henceforth sanctified in the Jewish religion ) " was probably told to explain the immemorial sanctity of Bethel , which may well have been revered by the aboriginal inhabitants of Canaan long before the Hebrews invaded and conquered the land " .
15 In 565 he came down from the islands to try and convert a Pictish king .
16 The fact that the song and the receptor change together in the hybrids suggests that there is some control mechanism which prevents the two from becoming uncoupled from each other ; such a mechanism would have the effect of making it more likely that , whenever a male or female cricket changed its song or song-preference during evolution , some other individual of the other sex will have made the complementary change .
17 The accurate hitting of targets in September owes much to the decisions made as to whether or not to confirm offers to those who have not quite met the conditions , a process strongly influenced by estimates ( based on past experience ) of the likely take up by those that have .
18 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
19 The recovery of the economy was already under way by the spring of 1961 , and probably owed less to the steps mentioned and more to spending on defence and space exploration .
20 There have been , and are , scholar-librarians of the old school , wedded to the codex format and to classical culture , but for most librarians their profession is a management exercise and a service among people : on the one hand , the wealth of recorded information and its producers ( authors , editors , directors , photographers , researchers ) and on the other hand , the readership and audience , the people needing access not only to the items stored but to their subject contents .
21 They huddled together on the gallops to watch and assess today 's runners .
22 Negative publicity associated with alcohol abuse — eg drunken driving or underage drinking — is directed not only at the individuals involved but at the industry as well .
23 This evening 's heavy rain will clear away with the winds dying but it will stay pretty cloudy with the odd shower .
24 One dead soldier was in a sitting position , his back against a wall , his head leaning backwards with the eyes staring and mouth hanging open , his blonde hair matted and covered with blood .
25 The Court had in mind information regarding when and by whom the information was received , the fact that distribution lists are maintained separately from the messages sent and so would not be printed out , unless specified , on the paper copy .
26 Whilst temporarily away from the premises including whilst in foreign countries .
27 But it is not in the forces involved that I would locate the main divide in Britten 's operas .
28 The dynamic principle in the construction of the tale is not in the events narrated but in their manner of presentation .
29 When , a minute later , he pulled on the handle of the iron bell and it clanged loudly , the door of a small house just beyond the gates opened and a man appeared and stood looking at them for a moment before speaking .
30 I went over to the screens to see if there was a movie on anywhere .
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