Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , one could take a random sample of the battalions first and then on through the companies and platoons until the actual individual soldiers were sampled only from a limited number of platoons instead of from the whole brigade .
2 Inexorably Rose moved on through the entremets and coffee , sending eight people scurrying in all directions as he masterminded the performance , the objects of which were far from clear to Auguste .
3 The information in the series of guides by J. Watson Lyall which begin in 1873 is mostly about the shootings and fishings .
4 The information in the series of guides by J. Watson Lyall which begin in 1873 is mostly about the shootings and fishings .
5 Some teenage mothers complain bitterly about the attitudes and treatment they receive in antenatal clinics and classes and in hospital , which are sometimes patronising and even rude .
6 I think now of the way the shaggy but emaciated-looking , dull-eyed sheep who wander so wearily about the paths and tracks of the Forest of Dean find their way into the brick bus shelters on nights such as this .
7 The newspaper are going on and on and on about the problems that people have road and road .
8 The sight of the European Community 's civilised , like-minded nations bickering on about the pros and cons of more joint government , with ethnic war on their doorstep and a great deal to achieve across a newly opened continent , would seem absurd to any visiting Gulliver .
9 He said some kind of game was probably going on between the children and Timothy Gedge .
10 Take this turn and after a couple of miles the road narrows incredibly through the hedges and stone houses of the village .
11 You 're almost sure to be right about the spells and enchantments .
12 9/Face completed ; washes of paint from the crayon were put on after the eyebrows and eyelashes were drawn in .
13 Eventually things got cool enough for the protons and neutrons to fuse and form atomic nuclei ; later still it was possible for electrons to cling to the nuclei , thus creating atoms .
14 Thérèse became known to Soeur Dosithée only through the letters that Antoinette wrote about her .
15 She needed to live his life with him , if only through the eyes and ears of her dearest friend .
16 Better for the employees and pensioners , he said yesterday , for Pilkington to stay and run the business as it runs its UK operations .
17 Better for the employees and pensioners , he said yesterday , for Pilkington to stay and run the business as it runs its UK operations .
18 So much for the nuts and bolts of shooting video but what makes a movie work on screen ?
19 I did n't care much for the hens and geese but I had quite a high opinion of the pigs .
20 We accept responsibility not only for the acts and omissions of our own employees and agents but also for those of our suppliers with whom we contract to provide a holiday or reasonable standard .
21 Man was among the last of a wide range of Eurasian mammals to trek overland through the forests and tundra of Beringia , now the Bering Strait region , during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene .
22 Well , certainly we believe that there can be all sorts of erm techniques that can be very useful , like communications skills and assertiveness , but our understanding is also that it is not only about the skills that people have it 's also about the understanding behind those skills .
23 The biographies were terse and restrained , as far as his private life was concerned , and effusive only about the names and quality of his publications She thought that she might ring Peter de Salis , and ask him about Mrs Denham , but she did not want to do this , in case Mrs Denham was a lady of such fame that ignorance of her would prove to be positively compromising .
24 But do we really know enough about the whys and wherefores of racism ?
25 Rapid weight loss may have made you feel good at the time , but depression and frustration soon set in as the pounds or kilos slowly creep back on again .
26 DURING the furore of the next three weeks of General Election campaigning , for Christians perhaps a few reflections about the institution which is the House of Commons — and especially about the men and women who are sent there — would not come amiss .
27 In his essay ‘ The Novelist at the Crossroads ’ , Lodge sees most British authors hesitating between , or combining in a variety of ways , the possibilities of a main road of tradition — ‘ the realist novel … coming down through the Victorians and Edwardians ’ — and alternatives offered by modernism and the developments that have followed it ( Lodge 1971 : 18 ) .
28 But the thing that I reflected on was here we were , into our third bombing year , and the mighty Eighth Air Force had come to our aid over thousands of miles of land and 2,000 miles plus of sea ; and they can come down through the clouds and land almost within sight of the place they were making for , with no navigation aids at all .
29 I think that 's probably come down through the years and things are still that way for musicians : get them as cheap as you can and never give them the credit that they deserve . ’
30 The men immediately set off in one direction , scrambling down through the trees and undergrowth towards the subsidiary valley where the shot had sounded .
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