Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He clambered aboard the coach , the juniors raised a brief , cheeky cheer , half mocking and half friendly , the driver hoisted himself imperturbably into his cab , and the coach started up and surged ponderously through the gates and away along the Silcaster road .
2 Like my hon. Friend the Member for Bosworth ( Mr. Tredinnick ) , I have personal views about some of those matters , but we should await the report , when we will have a little more to go on about the circumstances and how this could have happened .
3 Now it seems to me with erm with great respect from the view of the taxing officer , that er it 's quite clear that er both parties were holding han were holding their hands in relation to a question of taxation because negotiations were going on between the parties and indeed the defendants were being requested er not to proceed with taxation but to see if they could obtain an overall assessment and the point was met to the defendants barrister , telling quite frankly there would n't be much advantage in the defendants pushing on with erm taxation because they 'd only , they would have to look to his interest in the property to get payment , it seems to me in those circumstances that it can not be said that erm the plaintiffs were in any way acting improperly and not seeking to have the costs taxed during the period while the negotiations were being carried on er because effectively and
4 The way in which things are made has changed slowly through the millennia and much more rapidly during the last two centuries .
5 Again the evidence is sadly lacking , not only for the centres but also for the estates themselves .
6 Well let's go down for the jars and then they can , see
7 They 'd be going up and down between the aisles as well .
8 Finally , if he was prepared to visit Sanders to make the appointment , why not do so for the lessons as well ? ’
9 If such an attractive new influence could be spread abroad in the world , where so many people long for a religion which has that ring of truth , the detection of which is a priceless human ability acquired down through the ages and not to be denied , there would be a growing number of adherents rallying to it .
10 It twirled down through the branches and finally landed in the middle of the glade .
11 Here and there , they caught sight of a fluid red-gold figure in between the trees and once a huge oak tree seemed to bend forward as if inclining its head to inspect them .
12 If you do not brush your teeth thoroughly enough , there will be tiny residues of plaque left — especially between the teeth and closest to the gums , or in those hard-to-reach areas at the back of the mouth .
13 She looked out through the big picture window and across the manicured lawn and down towards the ponds and away towards the line of birches at the bottom of the garden .
14 Until the mid-730s he is described only as king of the Mercians but in an important charter of 736 concerning the granting of land in the territory of the Hwicce , the oldest Mercian original text to survive , Aethelbald is variously ‘ king not only of the Mercians but also of all the provinces which are known by the general name South Angles ’ , ‘ king of the South Angles ’ and ‘ king of Britain' ( CS 154 : S 89 ) .
15 That Aethelbald 's position in southern England at the end of his reign was still a dominant one is suggested by the description of him in the record of this grant as ‘ king not only of the Mercians but also of the surrounding peoples ’ , but it may be that a diminution of power in the early 750s played a part in exposing him to assassination in Mercia a few years later .
16 To the south lay a country whose king was trying to establish an English Catholic church , in the teeth not only of the papists but also of those who were much more convinced Protestants .
17 Not only that I 've got ta fit in like the children as well .
18 It concerns itself , not only with the operators but also very much with the role of the local authorities — in this case , principally those of Edinburgh and Leith .
19 ‘ We are now downright scared because we have been pushed into a confrontation not only with the police but also with the military , ’ Harris says .
20 Because not only had all this lot to be moved , but halfway through the removal he suddenly remembered there was something else needed moving , shot to the stairs with a white face , opened the door in under the stairs and out came all the bits and pieces from there .
21 ‘ She was out of the oxygen tent earlier- and her temperature was coming down with the antibiotics but then when she came to … she opened her eyes and suddenly seemed to go into a panic .
22 The beds are cramped together along the walls and down the centre of the ward .
23 They are tunnelling down into the sewers and up into the cavity walls and suspended ceilings .
24 So with the chips as well this is about one sixty .
25 You used to do the old brisket , in the saucepans , along with the potherbs and so forth .
26 The exertions of all the different kinds of labour that are directly or indirectly involved in making it ; together with the abstinences or rather the waitings required for saving the capital used in making it : all these efforts and sacrifices together will be called the real cost of production of the commodity .
27 With hindsight , it was inevitable my application to continue full-time study would be refused , for in their eyes I had wandered long enough in the margins and so my hierarchy now ordered that I return to the basics of uniform police duties .
28 Eye-witness Maureen Darwin , who was waiting to board one of the US-bound jumbos , said : ‘ It was as if a giant unseen hand had come down from the heavens and just lifted the planes up and across the tarmac .
29 These primates came down from the trees and gradually learned to walk upright .
30 Alerted by a grapevine of unparalleled efficiency to the presence of honkies with money , hitherto undiscovered talents began swarming in from the ghettos and down from the hills , bearing tape-recordings , even guitars , for impromptu auditions .
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