Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Because advertising revenue is now critical , a paper or TV channel catering successfully for the views of the poor or the unemployed would soon go bankrupt , whereas those meeting the minority tastes of the wealthy remain financially sound .
2 The predominant over-view in this Department was that Television held a special kind of mystique ; that writing and producing drama for it demanded special levels of skill which were to be somewhere between the scopes of the Theatre and the Cinema .
3 We must remember that this collection was put together in late 1955 , when most Jewish thinkers ' minds were somewhere between the atrocities of the Holocaust and the fearfully questionable use of the Bomb .
4 In this case the request for help falls somewhere between the extremes of the Glasgow dustmen 's strike and straight humanitarian operations such as rescuing people from snowdrifts .
5 Their venture had been from start to finish " planned by the woollen interests , financed from the profits of that trade and built predominantly for the needs of the woollen industry . "
6 And while it 's very reassuring that schools have n't changed too much — I do n't think we want everything to change overnight — I think you could say that schools are open to the same criticism as of British industry at the moment , that they are institutions which perhaps are changing too slowly for the demands of the modern world .
7 Using a sharp knife , shave a little off the sides of the body to round off the edges slightly .
8 This means making decisions very early on about the contents of the whole essay ( e.g. by writing an initial synopsis ) .
9 Other tombstones tell us a little about the inhabitants of the town , and include F. Antigonus Papias , a citizen of Greece and possibly a Christian , who may also have been a merchant .
10 At eleven o'clock , the demonstrators formed a line in front of the abbey and prepared to parade slowly through the streets of the historic Georgian city .
11 Away below , a tall figure moved slowly through the trees of the demesne .
12 The Isles of the North suffered most during the Wars of the Sundering .
13 I endeavoured to believe that much , if not all of what I felt , was due to the bewildering influence of the gloomy furniture in the room — of the dark and tattered draperies , which , tortured into motion by the breath of a rising tempest , swayed fitfully to and fro upon the walls , and rustled uneasily about the decorations of the bed .
14 The High Sheriff of Cornwall , Sir John Trelawney , opened an ornamental gate with a silver key and a free tea was laid on for the children of the surrounding parishes .
15 But it 's strange to think that the day 's not so far away when players like Robert Cray , Bonnie Raitt and Jimmie Vaughan , for so long representatives of the new American blues generation , will themselves be looked on as the elders of the blues .
16 Beyond the park , in some parts of England such as East Anglia , the bulldozer rams at the old hedges , blots them out to make fields big and vacant enough for the machines of the new ranch-farming and the business-men farmers of five to ten thousand acres .
17 Under Imperial rule , a number of emperors added their own forum bearing their name ; one forum was not large enough for the needs of the whole city .
18 Because of the sole directorship , the Revenue is trying to ride roughshod through the facts of the case and turn it into a mini investigation .
19 The collection of his personal correspondence revealed much about the affairs of the twelfth century ; the semi-Romanesque , semi-Gothic design of his new cathedral reflected his own dual goals .
20 One may , after all , competently drive a car without understanding much about the principles of the internal combustion engine ; one may use a typewriter or a word-processor without being able to make or mend one ; one may quickly be taught to use a computer , and make simple programs without being a master of , or even a beginner in , computer science .
21 Under the UK Act , the Principles are expressed in very general terms and are therefore not directly enforceable through the courts , but only through the actions of the UK Data Protection Registrar ( DPR ) .
22 We see him only through the eyes of the bar-owner , who whiles away the steamy summer afternoons fantasising about this supposed menage a trois .
23 They walked briskly over to the two cars and Plumpton bent down and peered in through the windows of the Mini .
24 Slowly struggling up from the depths of deep unconsciousness , Laura flicked open her eyelids , only to shut them firmly again as she winced at the brilliant sunshine flooding in through the windows of the bedroom .
25 But light was spilling in through the seams of the door at the far end of the room ; crimson , glowing light from whatever lay on the other side .
26 Currents pass in through the sides of the shell , over the ciliated lophophore where the food is extracted , and then out through the depression in the margin of the valves .
27 She stood on the deck while the water rushed in through the sides of the great oaken gates , lifting the barge higher and higher until they were level with the water in the next basin .
28 Refusing the invitation to go in for coffee , Fran hurried back to the car and drove across town , only slowing when she turned in through the gates of the college and made her way along the rutted gravel path to pull up in front of the old sandstone building next to Luke 's car .
29 So much for the requirements of the Wiring Regulations .
30 Another casualty of this bombing raid was the Royal West of England School for the Deaf at Exeter , which at that time had seemed a safe haven , not only for the children of the area the school served , but also for the 52 children and staff of the Anerley School for the Deaf , London , who had been evacuated there on 14th September 1939 .
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