Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 7 Measure the area exactly and scale it down for transfer to squared paper — a large scale would be 1.2 cm ( ½ in ) per 30 cm ( 12 in ) , but if you want to mark in all the plants in all the beds , it would have to be of the order of 5 cm/30 cm ( 2 in/12 in ) .
2 The reason for this vacuum , and the consequent Conservative dominance of Dukeries ' politics , was the colliery companies ' hegemony , according to Waller , especially with respect to local government elections .
3 There is a need for a more vigorous competition policy both in manufacturing industry and services but especially with respect to public sector monopolies , and for a change in fiscal policy to remove the artificial incentives which companies now have to retain earnings .
4 One reason is that the lithosphere is not divided into small discrete blocks able to move freely up and down with respect to each other .
5 I 'm not saying necessarily in response to that resolution , but at least in the direction that we were hoping .
6 The band have often been criticised for their imperious stance , especially in relation to early material and the decision to stop playing encores .
7 The points made by Freud in the theory of psychoanalysis are tentative , especially in relation to female sexuality and to the sequences involved in psycho-sexual development .
8 Soon after Naxos , Athens undertook a big aggressive campaign in the south-eastern Aegean , under Kimon 's leadership ; this was perhaps in response to allied discontent at the way the league was turning into a machine for policing its own members .
9 Perhaps in response to this call for negotiations ( though that is something that the administration would not admit ) , Mr Baker is set to make another tour of allied capitals in Europe and the Middle East , during which he would , at the very least , be available for a meeting in Baghdad .
10 Leeds , Leicester , and the Open University geology departments do not feature very highly in relation to Scottish geology , but Cambridge , Oxford , Edinburgh and Durham score well in most of the bibliometric indicators studied here .
11 So in addition to standard depreciation allowances , certain designated sectors can write off another 25 per cent of the investment against tax in the first year , while in energy saving or robotic investment the rate has gone as high as 60 per cent .
12 The book says that Eliot 's truest poetry was a form of plagiarism , in the benign sense that ‘ it was only in response to other poetry that Eliot could express his own deepest feelings ’ .
13 Lawrence Kohlberg 's empirical work on moral development follows , as far as its basic stance is concerned , the structure and assumptions of Jean Piaget , who has demonstrated apparently invariant sequences of change , not only in relation to moral development , but in other areas , too .
14 I suggest that these meanings arise from everyday discourse , which habitually makes use of oppositions such as masculinity/femininity , science/arts — oppositions which make sense only in relation to each other .
15 The rule has been slightly relaxed over the last few years , although only in relation to secondary legislation ; it has also been breached from time to time by a number of judges , not least by judicial free spirit , the former Master of the Rolls , Lord Denning .
16 The noun ‘ dependent ’ is an ugly label , implying that a person exists only in relation to another person .
17 But it was the ritual tramp across Ilkley Moor — or Rombalds Moor , as it is more properly but less popularly known that was the favourite pilgrimage ( and so it remains , to the extent that the track through the purple heather has been worn down in part to bare rock ) .
18 In particular it is not known whether they have been formed in relation to present sea level , in very much the same way as it is not known whether the wavecut platform round Britain was formed entirely in relation to present sea level .
19 Between 1860 and 1930 , some 5 per cent ( often characterized by the common denominator of illiteracy ) of the city 's population appeared annually in court , almost entirely in relation to minor street incidents — from ‘ suspected persons ’ to the moral iniquity of riding a pedal cycle without lights .
20 did not ‘ think it is open to this court to hold that the rule applies only to damage to adjoining land or to a proprietary interest in land and not to personal injury . ’
21 A good fight back for Witney today in the southern division of the Beezer Homes League ; they were two goals down at home to Yate Town , but the match finished Witney two , Yate Town two , our reporter , Adrian Burcher .
22 Thus with respect to solar time , the tides get later each day .
23 This means that the court can not take account of the various breaches actually committed , for which the defendant is seeking protection under the clause , to decide if the clause is reasonable or not , either generally , or separately in relation to each breach .
24 Gabriel moved away in silence to another seat .
25 So she has tipped the system a little away from collective to presidential government ’ .
26 It has been argued that moves away from status-based to contract-based employment relations are consistent with more flexible and efficient use of labour under contemporary economic conditions .
27 It was thus a political decision in the strictest sense , but it was taken , not in response to any kind of popular pressure , but in response to a narrowly but powerfully based pressure-group campaign in which those who stood to gain most from it financially , such as the makers of television sets , played a prominent role .
28 Important projects include the development of advanced mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems , right through from conception to full commercialisation .
29 Self-pity evaporates as she 's drawn to playground attendant Billy , unhealthily in thrall to macho pack leader Len .
30 It was pointed out that the Northern Ireland Council on Disability was in the process of investigating the services different agencies are providing for disabled people — not just in relation to physical access , but also in relation to access to the network of information on different services and projects which exclude disability interests .
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