Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] same [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 lastly there are those portfolios which have all 4 types of option in a single class all with the same expiry date but with 3 different exercise prices , known as ‘ butterly ’ or ‘ sandwich ’ spreads .
2 You both went into the theatre together from the same drama school ?
3 The Bach flower remedies and the homoeopathic remedies complement each other and can be used together in the same treatment plan .
4 Robson confirmed last night that England 's friendly with the Republic of Ireland , due to be played in Dublin on March 28 , was now in doubt with the teams drawn together in the same World Cup group .
5 The strain of the foster colony is chosen for good mothering ability and preferably the coat colour should be different from the animals to be fostered , or the mating arranged so that the natural young of the foster mother are not of the same coat colour as the pups to be fostered .
6 Root Package Password If the above root package is password protected from the specified user , then a password may need to be specified for the LIFESPAN modules to be accessed , if the specified user is not in the same user branch as the module manager or a special link does NOT exist between the two .
7 Another very neat feature is that one Postscript interpreter can handle both the user 's screen and a printer directly from the same source material .
8 She 's still on the same drug regime .
9 Such practices include cultivating on steep slopes so the topsoil runs off when the rains come , or ploughing downhill with the same end result .
10 Then , when the glider pilot recognises he is far too low , any quick movement to regain position takes the glider up through the same wind gradient , causing a sudden surge of speed and producing an unexpected and possibly uncontrollable gain of height .
11 When the LIFESPAN Process is stopped , a replacement process is started up with the same process name to inform users that LIFESPAN is not available .
12 Hub Smith buys nine NYSE contracts and sells four S&P500 contracts , both with the same delivery date , giving a spread ratio of 0.444 .
13 At the airport planes of astonishingly different sizes — like children 's toys on different scales mixed up in the same game queue to use the runway for take-off .
14 It haunts the pages of Adam Carse 's The orchestra from Beethoven to Berlioz ( 1948 ) , which conjectured that up to 1810 at the Opera the chef would ‘ hammer out the beat for the choruses and dances audibly on the floor , a table , or a music desk ’ Later in the same book Carse modified his stance , but concluded ( wrongly , as we shall see ) that it was the first violin who determined the ‘ interpretation [ and ] artistic side of the rendering ’ .
15 To acknowledge hunger ( which is not a disease but a social illness ) would be tantamount to political suicide among leaders whose power has come traditionally from the same plantation economy that produced that hunger in the first place .
16 As you have read , sometimes the lace carriage moves to the right to transfer stitches and , if the main carriage is there waiting to knit , the lace carriage and the main carriage are temporarily on the same extension rail .
17 Other questions might be , for instance : are absent pupils predominantly from the same year group ?
18 Lane has argued that ‘ ruling class ’ interpretations of the Soviet Union are inappropriate because the holders of state power do not possess and inherit property but are rather in the same market position as other wage-earners .
19 You may even want to produce the sort of book that is popular in America , the police procedural concerned with as many as half a dozen different crimes investigated by as many officers linked to each other only by working out of the same squad room .
20 Practice Richard Ashworth and ors v Berkeley-Walbrook Ltd ; CA ( Russell , Stuart-Smith LJJ ) ; 27 Sept 1989 As a general rule , where a counterclaim could properly be relied on as a set-off and where it arose out of the same subject matter as the claim , the counterclaiming defendant ought not to be required to give security for costs of that counterclaim unless there were exceptional circumstances .
21 His only certain memory of his mother was of her looking out of the same kitchen window and calling to him as he played on the grass .
22 At about the same time , two species of day frog , Taduactylus diurnus and T. eungellensis , died out from the same Queensland habitat .
23 Magic and medicine were often in the same melting pot .
24 Among Punjabis in Delhi who are often from the same peasant background as Punjabi immigrants to Britain a ‘ modern lady ’ is a ‘ respectable ’ urban middle-class woman .
25 Despite these dangers many birds find their way back to the same spots year after year .
26 I have no residual obligation to come back to the same market stall next week .
27 The eagle stared back at him proudly and without fear and Mr Wolski wondered how long he would be here in captivity , staring out at the same things year after year , his great wings never feeling the power and support of the wind , his talons never arcing forward and down as they did what they had been made for and struck at prey .
28 Commander David Tucker head of the anti-terrorist squad believes both attacks were carried out by the same IRA unit .
29 The advantage of superimposing from within the colour section is that you are able to superimpose more than one garment piece on to the same colour pattern at the same time , providing there is enough room on the screen .
30 The midwife rolled up her sleeves and toiled all night by the light of candles stuck in turnips , and just before dawn the baby was delivered on to the same straw mattress on which she had been conceived .
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