Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Many people will not realise that there is a property element built in and that they qualify only for the 25 per cent .
2 And although the City Council has managed over the years to old council house rents down , I think for three years there was absolutely no rent increase and then only about a nine per cent increase , although we 've managed to hold council house rents down until
3 The challenge for Europe 's left parties will be to overcome party patriotism and work out how to construct majorities in the new era , for traditional parties of the right , also , can manage only about a 40 per cent turnout , if that .
4 Only after a 10 per cent .
5 Fifty-three were the sons of MPs ( 18 per cent , much like the 17 per cent of Liberals ) and twelve of these sat for the same seat , although few like Stanley Baldwin succeeded directly ; fifteen of these fifty-three were sons of Liberals , further evidence of the value of recruits brought over in 1886 .
6 Instead , to their own imagined advantage , they fell in with the renewed Drang nach Osten .
7 The Deminex package includes LASMO 's interests in the Bruce , Keith and M fields together with a 25 per cent interest in block 16/12a containing the ‘ Tree ’ fields .
8 That , together with the 20 per cent or so the socialists were hoping to pick up , plus a few more votes taken from the Communists and the Centrists , could have made a respectably sized movement .
9 The 1989 growth in GDP of 9.2 per cent was down from the 11 per cent of the previous year but unemployment during the year was at a record low of 2.2 per cent .
10 Sublime grace and accuracy , a ballet of two blades almost dancing together in an aerial pas de deux was the aesthetic of the duel — for a minute , two minutes , three , till a single quicksilver cheek wound decided the contest .
11 Productivity growth in manufacturing in the first quarter at 3.8 per cent was higher than the same period a year earlier , but down on the five per cent improvement in the final three months of last year .
12 The level of settlements is well down on the eight per cent recorded in the first quarter a year ago .
13 It is down on the 22.6 per cent the Liberal-SDP Alliance secured in the 1987 election .
14 Because they had n't done any management , Debbie felt Landlords were entitled only to the 10 per cent tenant-finding fee and therefore owed her £2,400 ( 3 months ' rent plus the deposit ) .
15 Despite this concern , from the point of view of health care planning , the principle of funding authorities basically on a weighted per capita basis , with no allowance for cross-boundary flow , is to be welcomed .
16 Wild-type enzyme and CRP bind cooperatively to the strong lac UV5 promoter whereas the truncated enzymes show exactly the same affinity in the presence or absence of CRP ( Table I ) .
17 He added : ‘ Looking back , I feel that relationships between me and the team started to break down at the Hungarian Grand Prix . ’
18 The engineers at Dacia , cossetted perhaps by a 99 per cent share of the local market , offer no relief .
19 ‘ I ended the relationship shortly after the Portuguese Grand Prix two years back . ’
20 Although the Greens increased their share of the vote from 2.9 to 4.9 per cent , this left them just below the 5 per cent threshold required for representation .
21 He maintained that the rule was an essential concomitant of the poll tax because it was a personal tax , yet we are told that in respect of the council tax , which is also , at least as to 50 per cent. , a personal tax , there is no difficulty in doing away with the 20 per cent .
22 Not in a hundred per cent of the cases , er and we do have undesirables at the John Radcliffe , er but there has n't been an incident such as this er I think that goes some way to prove that we do have a reasonably tight security service , and we , we work to any way that we can to keep it as secure as possible .
23 Initially the response was sparse , but following the sending of reminder letters , by the end of 1983 ( the ‘ closing date ’ ) , just over a 50 per cent response rate was reached .
24 SHAREHOLDERS in Pacific Horizon Investment must be congratulating themselves on their decision last August to switch the trust 's investment management from Jupiter Tyndall to Edinburgh 's Baillie Gifford , after news yesterday of a 38.8 per cent leap in net asset value per share at halfway , writes George Duthie .
25 PREMIER John Major hailed the start of economic recovery yesterday despite a nine per cent fall in retail sales .
26 He accepts that it has to be traded off against the 25 per cent improvement in fuel consumption and longer engine life .
27 The new League kicked off with a 25 per cent drop in attendances compared with the old First Division a year ago .
28 The Swiss romped home with an 83 per cent satisfaction rate .
29 By the end of last week , Conservative strategists were talking about broadening Tory support still further from the 42 per cent achieved on Thursday .
30 These expansion moves were announced yesterday alongside a 22 per cent rise in Devenish 's profit to £14million for the year to September 30 .
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