Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's just the same , ’ Maggie said and continued on about the nurses ' home while Sheila bit her tongue .
2 In explaining how he managed to escape active military service during the war by signing on for an officers ' programme , Mr Clinton apparently omitted to mention that he had already received his call-up notice when he sought to join the Reserve Officers ' Training Corps .
3 The company is responsible not only for the meters ' manufacture , but also their installation and commissioning — and the decommissioning of the old Spectra-Tek equipment .
4 He was still interested in politics , and for a while a fairly active member of the Labour party , especially during the miners ' strike when he and Solowka canvassed on their behalf .
5 You say they 've got some sort of guidance , perhaps through the Magistrates ' Association , or maybe through some local starting point tariff if I could put it that way .
6 However , in December the government achieved a breakthrough in its protracted campaign to trace and retrieve the huge sums believed to have been looted from the country by the Marcos family , when the Swiss Supreme Court ruled that funds held by the family in Swiss bank accounts should be returned to the government of the Philippines , but stipulated that this could be done only after a Philippines ' court had ruled against Marcos [ see p. 37961 ] .
7 Vincent spoke almost enviously of the miners ' darkness , and the chance it gave them to reclaim the light .
8 It was unusual because specialist nurses did much of the doctors ' work .
9 He enhances our sense not only of the poets ' universe — me cosmology of Dante and Milton , for example — but also of the symbolism used by painters and architects .
10 Very slowly , and keeping down below the seals ' horizon , I crept forward towards the sound of singing .
11 Somewhat like a dolls ' house the building was formerly the Congregational Mission Hall opened in 1872 .
12 It can not be otherwise : self governing will happen only with the doctors ' approval and only if they are convinced that patients will benefit . ’
13 However , she had met a very nice lady from Pinner who said why did n't she come along with the Lionisers ' visit to Fort House that afternoon .
14 I normally make a note of the palette number and list the yarn names , along with the manufacturers ' colour names or numbers for each of the eight colours , in a book and find this is a great help when going back to a palette later , or when looking for a palette containing certain yarn colours .
15 I will provide a copy to Elizabeth and we will circulate it to members of this committee , together with the Ministers ' meeting .
16 There has been an increase in life expectancy , with the result that not only are there more elderly people , but there is also a greater likelihood that children will have left home long before the parents ' death .
17 Masnun was out of sight from a poor draw in his last race at Kempton , but ran much better in the Stewards ' Cup here and he 's well in today on his best form .
18 In other words , I was trying to establish whether religion had been important enough in the interviewees ' childhood ( at least , as it was now remembered ) for it to be mentioned , without any prompting on my part ; and then , I would try not to prejudge what the interviewees thought was involved in religion , but let them decide what aspect would come out ‘ naturally ’ — whether they would talk about the institutionalised churches , private prayer , a personal relationship with God , a way of looking at the world or the ultimate meaning of their existence .
19 She had witnessed the on-off charm for herself when he had thought himself alone in the Feathers ' coffee-room .
20 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
21 And who could have guessed that , with said gnashers playing him up , he would have to hand over one of his duties — and that a Labour MP would be called in from the subs ' bench .
22 If by one careless word now I backed up the rumours Aline was bound to be spreading at night , by tomorrow morning Tom Lofthouse , a chatty lad , would have it all round the Doctors ' House .
23 Since aid is becoming more , not less , important in Africa there is a crying need for a more outspoken analysis of the problem , not only from the recipients ' point of view , but by the recipients themselves .
24 The pervasive influence of a combative religious morality was evident not only in the repealers ' language but in the common culture which bound many of them together .
25 In the aftermath of the Maria Colwell tragedy a report by the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work took this concept as its title and stated that ‘ good enough parenting involves , among other things , a capacity to provide continuity of love and care which is realistic in its expectations of both parent and child and deals with ‘ real ’ conflicts of interests and not those whose origins lie only in the parents ' past' ( CCETSW , 1978 ) .
26 On National day John Kempton also had a runner at Worcester — Three Dons in a novice hurdle — and opted to take the ride there : having duly won , he settled down in the jockeys ' changing room to watch the National on television , safe in the knowledge that his father Jack was at Liverpool to supervise Foinavon 's forlorn attempt .
27 Down in the photographers ' pit , a battalion of WWF security gentlemen keep the writhing , crowd-surfing mob back by redirecting those two-minute messiahs that get passed too close to the barrier .
28 It was a feast , swilled down in the boys ' case at least .
29 Writing is n't usually a social activity , except when you 're working on exercises together in a writers ' group — and even then you 'll find that you do most of your writing alone , in whatever space and time you can carve out for yourself .
30 In response to this new determination by ministers , Government Whips began to huddle together in the Members ' Lobby and elsewhere , like American football players in a scrummage , to plan the retrieval process .
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