Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The teacher stands back and observes Christopher ( 4.7 ) as he tries to cut right through a block of wood with a tenon saw only half its width .
2 If such an experience can be recalled , it usually has the quality of being a person-to-person contact , not necessarily as equals in understanding , but cutting right through the barriers of status and age .
3 JTR travelled on to Bute on the Iona and thence through the Kyles of Bute to Ardrishaig on Loch Fyne where passengers transhipped for the continuing boat journey through the Crinan Canal to the open seas and islands of the West Coast of Argyll .
4 If not , she could try to find somewhere for a cup of tea .
5 Thus , within the discipline of literature , there must be a place not only for poetry , but also for nineteenth-century German poetry , and a place somewhere for the use of fibre optics in cable television .
6 He spoke powerfully about the insecurity of football and the potential dangers behind every challenge .
7 Even though a proposed fourth game against Canada has been dropped — presumably as a gesture of appeasement — The tour runs from June 5-19 , deep into the summer break — and George Graham , Alex Ferguson , Graeme Souness and others believe their clubs should not be put at a disadvantage at the start of the following season .
8 However , by 7700 B.P. Calluna heaths expanded , presumably as a result of soil acidification and podsolisation .
9 The thermometer watch can measure either air or water temperature — presumably for the benefit of winter swimmers .
10 I am thinking of domestics , porters and maintenance staff , who are grossly underpaid and who are suffering badly as a result of administration of hospital trusts and the attempts to break away from the national negotiating machinery .
11 Considering the number of PFK readers who would like to see their Puffers inflate just once ( though arguably as a sign of stress this is n't such a great idea ) many marine fishkeepers would have been thrilled .
12 Lockwood believes that clerks are in a position of ‘ status ambiguity ’ which falls somewhere between the degree of status enjoyed by the middle and working classes .
13 Some were in use as fulling mills whilst others were used predominantly for the grinding of barley for brewing the monastery 's beer supply .
14 Carry on through a strip of woodland and over a second stile .
15 It continues on through the pages of Scripture to the very last words of the book of Revelation .
16 The motorspeeder journeyed on through the plains of Sakkrat .
17 You continue on through the meadows of Cock marsh — a Site of Special Scientific Interest — to the banks of the Thames .
18 I bade Jamie and his mother goodnight and walked on through the outskirts of town to the track heading for the island , then down the track in blackness , sometimes using my small torch , towards the bridge and the house .
19 His deification as the patron of craftsmen , but more importantly as a god of wisdom , medicine and healing , had occurred by the Late Period and he was thus identified by the Greeks with their god of medicine , Asclepios .
20 Rectal discharge may occur rarely as a result of infection of the back passage , but again infection of this site is usually asymptomatic .
21 When d'Argenlieu dispatched himself hastily to Paris a few days after the French elections and before the Haiphong incident , it was to lobby intensively for a policy of firmness ; and his tactic , says Devillers , was simple : to create fear .
22 Whereas Levinas , like Habermas , posits an authentic language of expression which abhors the distortions of ‘ rhetoric ’ , Derrida argues that such alterity is constituted not through dialogue but rather through the operation of language itself : Levinas ' transcendence-as-surplus is therefore redefined as a Derridean supplement .
23 This is the time at which children learn most about the standards of behaviour in our society .
24 Indeed it was hoped that overall adjustment would take place successfully through the cooperation of member countries in accepting such rules of conduct .
25 This was done successfully through the use of patois both defensively and offensively by the group .
26 But I knew that my island was somewhere off the coast of South America .
27 But Finn came and sat beside her and gave her another cream bun , which she accepted gladly as a token of friendship , although she did not want it .
28 It has been said , in the first place , that they are used to throw into relief the particular property in the noun phrase which is of interest to the speaker ; that is , that adjectives are used postnominally for the sake of emphasis .
29 For them , negotiation , in the form of bargaining , can proceed more effectively through a process of bluff and ambush , which is inimical to the demands of justice .
30 ASL compensates by using compound signs such as TABLE/CHAIR etc. for the concept of furniture .
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