Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] more than [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where it 's two males , male applicant and a male interviewer , and the prospective employee has a less prestigious accent than the interviewer , so it 's quite likely that the prospective employee would shift his accent towards a more that of the employer , due to his relative need of approval so much more than vice versa .
2 Yet body language often tells us so much more than mere words .
3 Fat women risk so much more than thin women when starting a sexual relationship , because we are taught that we are not capable of inspiring love or lust : we have forfeited the right to be sexual because our bodies are incompatible with desire .
4 aware that erm the retention of this site is essential for expansion , since the British Library after forty years in construction has room for , will have room only for twelve hundred readers not many more than Great Russell Street while the French National Library which has taken only five years to build and will be completed next year , will have room for three-and-a-half-thousand readers .
5 The park , directly across from her house , was completely obliterated beneath the snow , the bushes now little more than vague mounds , and the trees standing stark and forlorn .
6 Many of the pubs which are passed off as ‘ historic ’ to the visitor and tourist prove to be only film-set facades on what are now little more than youthful amusement arcades or glorified fast-food cafes .
7 She saw his attempts to wish his own brand of authority on to the production as little more than temperamental interference , and , in turn , told him how he should play his scenes .
8 When wireless communications become available for a wider range of portables , the prevalence of Notes and applications like it will go a long way towards tying into networks PCs that are being under-utilised as little more than personal information managers .
9 It sees them as little more than rural ghettoes designed by previous hated white regimes to keep blacks and whites apart .
10 Hospitals are developing computer systems which are often not compatible with one another and are being used as little more than expensive word processors .
11 Indeed , iconoclasm has frequently been portrayed as little more than mindless vandalism perpetrated by Philistine bigots .
12 This theory regards purring as little more than heavy breathing of the type humans sometimes indulge in when they are asleep — in other words , snoring .
13 The requirement that analysis be objective or scientific is often little more than another means of social control .
14 Some Whigs were implicated in Jacobite activities , amongst them John Wildman , Charles Mordaunt ( third Earl of Monmouth ) , the Earls of Dorset and Shrewsbury , and the Duke of Bolton , although whether we should see their alleged intrigues as much more than fire-insurance Jacobitism is unclear .
15 This is a new requirement for most information systems , which have simply expanded to contain ever more data , relevant and timely or not ; but it is surely little more than good practice should require in the interests of efficient and economical operation .
16 Though initially little more than special pleading for Liverpool shipping interests , his journalism taught him radical attitudes , most notably a hatred of the Foreign Office , for according so low a priority to West Africa , and a sympathy for African culture , which was reinforced by meeting the traveller Mary Kingsley [ q.v. ] in 1899 .
17 In connection with this it should also be remembered that all popular places , all sites actually used by the people , tend to retain the best routine of antiquity very much more than any localities or machines used by any privileged class .
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