Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] in every [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is all the more significant when one thinks of the nature mysticism that was so common in every variety of ancient paganism .
2 They stared at one another , and as her mama had so often said , and thought again as she watched them , they were so alike in every way except their sex that they might have been two sides of the same coin .
3 This means that the exchange is normally involved in every application of its rules , even with a rule couched in terms of the bilateral rights between buyer and seller .
4 28 years old , he was calmly superior in every department of last year 's race .
5 ‘ Sing we and chant it ’ is a true balletto , the opening of its second strain practically identical in every part with that of Gastoldi 's ‘ A lieta vita ’ ( which in Germany as early as 1598 was seized in toto and provided with sacred words , ‘ In dir ist Freude ’ ) yet , as Joseph Kerman has pointed out , more sophisticated in its sense of dominant contrast .
6 They are not just aggressive on the field , they are probably aggressive in every walk of life .
7 February 20th 1980 : Blazing a trail for the sex guides now commonplace in every newspaper in the country , Punch devised the prophetic At It magazine …
8 Computerised document handling is now common in every activity within business life .
9 In the UK the CAA , too , had been fully involved in every stage of the investigation , and so it was that all the necessary corrective measures were taken as far as the Boeing 707/300–400 series was concerned and the respective airworthiness authorities were fully informed .
10 The paralleling of Sweeney and the Cyclops here does on a small scale the work of the anthropologists ' comparative method , ‘ to make manifest the similarities and identities underlying the customs of races very remote in every way from each other ’ , though both are part of the ‘ mind of Europe ’ .
11 THERE was plenty of action and exciting moments in the Eastend this week , as the grand major finals herald the close of the Harp East domestic pool league , which overall , was very competitive in every aspect of the game .
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