Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We slowly down-climbed and abseiled the steep , but short , South Ridge to the snow .
2 Whilst the experiment was limited to trainee engineers and by the type of microcomputer used , the results of this investigation indicated that : 1 ) the mode of man-machine interaction which was most popular and has the fewest dissenters , was one in which the user directed the course of action , as in the modular program ; 2 ) a fast design time was most likely to be achieved by the use of an optimization technique ; 3 ) an optimum design was most likely to be achieved by a preprogrammed optimization technique , but only where the problem , design parameters and constraints were understood ; 4 ) the technique thought most likely to allow some gaining of insight was one in which the user has control of the program , as in the modular program .
3 These arguments yield the curve in Fig. 6.1 , sloping downwards from left to right , becoming less and less steep and cutting the horizontal axis at the natural unemployment percentage .
4 As he was only nineteen and failed the medical test for being colourblind this was impossible .
5 Valdemar was extremely helpful and took the next day off work to show us some of the local birds .
6 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
7 Example 4:3 Index-linked rent : upwards only YIELDING AND PAYING the annual sum of £ … ( " the basic rent " ) payable quarterly in advance on the 25th of March the 24th of June the 29th of September and the 25th of December in each year and in addition such sum payable on each of the above dates in advance ( " the index-linked rent " ) as bears the same proportion to one quarter of the basic rent as is borne by the figure shown in the General Index of Retail Prices ( " the index " ) for the month immediately preceding the months in which payment of any particular instalment of rent is due to the figure ( which is the figure shown in that index for the month of … ) minus one quarter of the basic rent PROVIDED THAT ( 1 ) if after the date of this lease the index is calculated by reference to a different base date or base figure then the index-linked rent shall be calculated as if that change had not taken place ( 2 ) if the index ceases to be published or if for any reason it becomes impossible or impracticable to calculate the index-linked rent then either the landlord or the tenant may by notice require the rent to be thenceforth reviewed at such times and in such manner as may be agreed between them or in default of agreement be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who shall have regard to market practice prevailing at the time of such notice in relation to new lettings of property of the same type as the demised property ( 3 ) in no circumstances shall the total rent payable under this lease be less than the basic rent
8 All firms are entirely equity-financed and have the same balance sheets : assuming that there are 100,000 shares outstanding .
9 Very often the period is much longer and securing the requisite number of ratifications may take a decade more , if , indeed , this is achieved at all .
10 Its application is much wider and encompassing the entire organisation and its various external and internal ‘ publics ’ .
11 The Professional Aviation/AMI engine fit is less chunky and employs the original Douglas rear nacelle .
12 Such companies are highly competitive and welcome the colossal saving of time and money new methods represent .
13 Of the two principal features of citizenship , political stability , including social harmony , was by far the most comprehensive and provided the fundamental raison d'être .
14 If man has evolved to maintain his selfish genes , why can not he be happy to do just that and to fulfil the other biological drives like curiosity , sociability and the desire to dominate that at one time presumably aided the survival of his genes ?
15 Even in the engineering companies the role of the unions seemed to have been limited to ensuring that , in other than their temporary status , temporary workers were not disadvantaged and received the same fringe benefits ( except membership of company pension schemes ) as regular workers .
16 William II was not popular and offended the monastic chroniclers , but he met with an accident and died on a hunting trip in the New Forest , in August 1100 .
17 If you 're watching a sett that is n't often visited by humans it 's as well to be extra careful and observe the following basic rules .
18 Clearly these transects are not comprehensive and omit the distinctive nature of mountainous Barra or the sandstone based Eye Peninsula near Stornoway or the many small uninhabited islands , but these transects highlight the distinction between the low Atlantic coastlands with machair-land and crofting settlement on the west , and the areas of empty mountains and the extensive peat-covered plateaux of the east and most of the interior regions .
19 Both were just 23 and shared the same love of horses , fresh air and country pursuits .
20 Of the four basic variables utilised , the rate of change of wages is not significant and has the wrong ( negative ) sign .
21 This was partly due to the legacy of the bitterness over the 1990 budget [ see p. 36969 ] , but was also the result of an initiative made on Dec. 29 , 1989 , by Senator Daniel Moynihan ( Dem. , New York ) , who had suggested cutting social security contributions in an effort to make the US taxation system more progressive and to unmask the true size of the budget deficit .
22 For each piece of field research aims at achieving a ‘ scoop ’ which will redound to the anthropologist 's credit , and the more interesting and exciting the raw data the better .
23 Presentation findings is made more exciting and has the added bonus of a " perfect " final copy which becomes a resource for others to use .
24 The Suit was back , the more serious and sober the better .
25 The 10th segment is usually distinct and forms the terminal segment in the higher orders .
26 On IPE and Fox , in the case of futures trades , the rules are more relaxed and allow the whole order to be filled off the floor provided it is within the minimum fluctuation in the pit at the time .
27 While the morphology of the single crystals grown from dilute solutions may be more regular and resemble the first model , for polymers that are crystallized from the melt ( and this is by far the more important procedure technically ) the mass of evidence tends to favour a form of the switchboard model .
28 Independent Unionist Arthur Templeton said the warning given was totally inadequate and praised the prompt reaction of the police and army .
29 Skim off fat and add the remaining juices to the cream sauce .
30 Reducing the volume of waste not only makes it more manageable and reduces the further risk of contravening the hygiene regulations , but since most local authorities or waste contractors charge for removal based on the volume , you will also make considerable savings on removal charges .
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