Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] in every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If 4000 records are stored in 5000 addresses then only one algorithm in every will achieve this , which rules out a search for a perfect randomizing algorithm on a trial-and-error basis .
2 And if this is seen as intervention by the teacher , is not that happening in every classroom in the land ?
3 These are : that Braverman ignores worker resistance ; that management may be ignorant of the most effective ways of meeting worker recalcitrance ; that there are more ways of killing a cat than skinning it ( in other words , that there are mechanisms other than fragmentation and de-skilling which management can use to control recalcitrant labour ) ; that technological and market opportunities vary across firms and that these influence the outcome of the struggle between capital and labour over the form of work organisation which is adopted ; and that the tight control of labour and the need to maximise output from individual workers may not be management 's most dominant concern in every case .
4 There was more than a hint of imminent violence in every word , and thinly veiled intimidation in every syllable .
5 Duration of symptoms was at least one year in every patient ( mean 3.7 years ) .
6 Finch points out that the job description of some Scottish police officers requires them to enlist the co-operation of at least one person in every street who is willing and able to pass on useful information .
7 This computer will include information gathered by area constables whose job is to : ‘ secure the service of at least one observer in every street , not a paid professional informant , but someone who knows the inhabitants and is inquisitive enough to find out what is going on and will pass on information . ’
8 Nevertheless , this is a truly outstanding study in every respect , displaying a very mature style and analysis .
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