Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [adv] much as " in BNC.

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1 On the death of a bishop , while his spiritual jurisdiction and income were administered by the dean , or prior , and chapter of the cathedral church , the temporalities of the see — as with any tenant-in-chief during a minority-reverted to the crown for the duration of the vacancy ; they were usually farmed or leased out to the profit of the crown and of the farmers who were naturally inclined to extract as much as they could from the windfall .
2 ‘ How come , ’ he asks , ‘ that human beings whose contacts with the world are brief and personal and limited are nevertheless able to know as much as they do ? ’
3 ‘ I am also anxious to learn as much as I can about AEA , and we are planning a series of visits to the different sites over coming months .
4 This is a matter of considerable importance , since it is clearly desirable to know as much as possible about the conditions within the nuee ardente .
5 However , unless you have some knowledge of the subject , it is just as easy to pay too much as it is to pick up a bargain .
6 Chapman genuinely believed that , in the interest of the game , fees should be limited , but while the proposals went unheeded he was quite prepared to spend as much as possible to secure the best players .
7 The needs of the mentally disordered vary as much as their disabilities .
8 Their names and background are known to their neighbours in Baldersdale but they are very anxious to avoid as much as possible becoming involved in the publicity which continually surrounds Hannah and hope that interest in her former home will eventually decline and disappear However , they have agreed to reveal their detailed plans for Low Birk Hatt and they are calculated to please the most critical defender of Dales traditions .
9 Margaret Olmer found her working-class foster parents in the Midlands very anxious to learn as much as possible about her background :
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