Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] back [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd be lucky if he was merely broken back into the Scouts for ten or twenty years .
2 We have only to look back to the debates about language across the curriculum to remember the puerile arguments over whose responsibility it was to teach language skills .
3 The royal demesne vills , fields and woods in Sherwood Forest , for example , which had been put out of the forest by the perambulation of 1300 , were now ‘ entirely put back into the forests by the said King Edward ’ .
4 At one point , they saw the sea receding from the near-by beaches ; sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquakes , so that quantities of sea creatures were left stranded .
5 Better get back into the woods I reckon .
6 ‘ We 'd better get back to the Operations Room . ’
7 Both romantic lyricism and boogification not only date back to the beginnings of Elvis 's career but also continue to be used throughout its development .
8 To actually just sit back on the hands , as the government are doing , is not a policy , it 's an abdication of responsibility .
9 He was unhappy there but , determined not to slip back into the pits where his grandfather had wielded a pick , worked hard and won scholarships both to Jesus College , Oxford , and the University College of Aberystwyth .
10 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
11 She promised to find out , and she 's just come back with the results .
12 " Now , you just jump back under the covers , and I 'll sit myself here .
13 The eventual sacking of Charman largely stems back to the rows with Allison during the recording of the album .
14 Now , almost ten years , on farmers there say they would not go back to the days of Government subsidies and control over what can be grown .
15 The drays and bullocks Stephen had sent from Yarrundi eventually arrived on 27 September , the ‘ tent was struck ’ where Gould 's men had encamped outside town with all the provisions , and was loaded up on the carts for the long , slow haul back to the reaches of the Upper Hunter .
16 Erm fift and he 's still going back to the fingers .
17 Discussions of this anxiety usually refer back to the students ' own learning in which rules were formalised and exemplificatory exercises done .
18 I always come back to the Stones when I think of The Smiths , because of the camp , but mainly because of the way each band illuminates their era for us .
19 Even if the units of government are not based upon the counties , people still hark back to the links that they had with the traditional counties .
20 Other research suggested they might become concentrated , churned around in the waves and eventually deposited back along the beaches and banks of local estuaries .
21 If the poem goes back to the origins of religion , it also goes back to the origins of society and language .
22 In this , the third issue of Update devoted to general SVQs , we also report back on the seminars held recently for external verifiers and for centre co-ordinators from new piloting centres .
23 Isabel was so stunned that she nearly fell back on the pillows .
24 I 'd got a troublesome cough developed , and now looking back through the years , er it would have been a sort of hay-feverish condition that I I have been a bit bothered with .
25 With characteristically bad judgement , Charles now turned back to the Scots , with whom he made a secret treaty under which the Solemn League and Covenant would be confirmed by King and Parliament , and presbyterianism would be established in England for a limited period .
26 Thomas could now look back on the papers he had begun , or completed and sold in his first two terms , as ‘ vain stuff ’ but he continued to write verses , which were sent to Harry and Helen .
27 Now look back at the extracts from Lawrence , Boyle , Ozick , Betjeman and Joyce .
28 Right , now coming back to the girls .
29 Before the honourable gentleman goes any further it would be advantage really to get back to the boundaries Mr Graham G .
30 As they set off she realized they were n't driving back towards the restaurants of the town centre and Willi 's beloved Franz Joseph hotel , but up to the mountain road that led over the pass and into the next valley .
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