Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] them with [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We should give children books which stimulate them , which open their eyes , not confine them with safe lists . ’
2 RIGHT Although dogs will often live peacefully with cats , you should not trust them with smaller pets such as rabbits , which are the natural quarry of many hounds .
3 Section 240 seeks to ensure that recipients of the latter will not confuse them with statutory accounts .
4 She does really young , fun , party clothes — a lot are in black but she always trims them with bright colours .
5 This illusion was achieved by slightly blinding them with blue lamps facing them and lowering dummy bodies from the flies .
6 This survey also indicated that in those libraries with audio-visual presentations , more than half also supplemented them with other forms of orientation or instruction notably tours , printed guides , supplementary printed handouts and exercises or other practical work .
7 Firms which reduce emissions by amounts exceeding the reductions required by the authorities under the bubble or offset policies can ‘ bank ’ emission reduction credits and either use them to expand their own plant later or openly trade them with other companies .
8 ‘ To fulfil our commitment to our clients we must also support them with spare parts and a full technical service .
9 South Sussex may be ludicrously over-confident , but we ca n't beat them with three players . ’
10 He would make me look at pictures and then reproduce them with coloured pencils , or else ask me to rotate a figure mentally a certain number of degrees around a given perpendicular before attempting to redraw it .
11 Bocskay 's brilliant italic scripts reproduce prayers , canticles , psalms and passages from imperial briefs : Hoefnagel 's illuminations do not attempt to illustrate the texts but visually enhance them with exquisite depictions of flowers , fruits , insects and small animals .
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