Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] out [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As Speaker O'Neill forcibly pointed out to the newly elected President Carter , tactics that had worked in the relatively sedate politics of Georgia were unlikely to be effective in Washington .
2 The slim angular shape was definitely well suited to a graphic style , but was the lay down of pigment soft enough to blend out in a more painterly manner ?
3 Necessarily strung out at no more than three abreast , the column threaded the mile or so cautiously , Ramsay for one , keen-eyed to note danger-spots and ambush possibilities for future reference .
4 All of this was already mapped out in a very decent and proper piece of research that I had just written up .
5 For example , Cortzee shows that contemporary tales of the ‘ tariff reform millions , are not borne out by the relatively impoverished state of the Tariff Reform League , and he demonstrates that the variety of industries and economic activities which were represented in the TRL defy any attempt to produce a simple definition of its interest base .
6 The Lincolnshire fitters quickly crashed out with an even worse time .
7 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
8 One investigator who has put weight on the relationship with affective , rather than schizophrenic , disorder is the American psychiatrist , Andreasen , whose work , also carried out within a partly genetics context , is of particular interest here because it has mainly been concerned with writers .
9 Now if you had to have all the locks changed in your house , that probably come out on an even .
10 The instances of large numbers of birds having been shot or trapped for food , or rare specimens collected , is well documented , and in Sussex was often carried out on a very considerable scale .
11 A wide variety of work , from outer space to inner space , is now carried out in the newly restructured division ( PGGOS ) , including studies of solar and geomagnetic activity in the upper atmosphere , coastal and offshore geology , hydrocarbons on land and offshore , biostratigraphy , sedimentology and mineralogy , and earthquakes .
12 Mr Clark continued : ‘ Now set out in a most scholarly book of some 700 pages , it is probably the important revisionist text to be published since the war .
13 Its diminished stature is mainly due to its continuing economic difficulties and its inability so far to break out of an increasingly stultifying dependence on Soviet aid and trade subsidies .
14 Paradoxically , much of what I have said about the writing of straightforward mystery stories applies just as much to inverted stories , the books that seemingly set out on an exactly opposite course .
15 This might sound like an accurate description of your holiday planning and did indeed arise out of a closely related activity : weather forecasting .
16 Finally Ms Cann proposed an unorthodox and possibly unique solution : publication rights as part of merchandising would be retained by the publishers jointly , to be pooled and then shared out in the most appropriate way .
17 It was encouraging that during many permutations and re-appraisals of the project , and a protracted consultation period , that Glasgow consistently came out as the most cost-effective location for this type of central administration function .
18 After the very earliest period of relative non-differentiation of functions , in which the ‘ literary ’ or ‘ artistic ’ had not or not fully separated out from the more generally ‘ cultural ’ , there had been this phase of specifically instituted artists , which should not really be described in terms taken from later phases , such as ‘ official recognition ’ or ‘ patronage ’ .
19 They first describe the work of love as a double edged activity with positive and negative effect — purging sin and kindling the heart , clearing the soul and removing anger and sloth , wounding in love and fulfilling with charity , chasing off the devil and extinguishing fear — and then level out to the strongly stressed affirmation which defines the positive potential of the negative statement in chapter one " he hase noght Jhesu Criste , he tynes all he has , and all he es , and all he myght gete " ( 85.19 – 21 ) for he that has " Jhesu " grows through prayer to the fulfilment of human potential : heaven is open to him and he is made a " contemplatif man " .
20 This effect is achieved by giving a small , focused example of a very emotional and personal experience and then moving out onto a much larger scale and asking more general questions about humanity .
21 The detail of the proposals on contributions was , of course , fully set out in the very full statement that I made to the House by way of a written answer at the same time as my right hon. Friend the Chancellor 's autumn statement on 6 November .
22 In the cave itself , bas-reliefs sculpted close together on a stalagmite cone , hard to make out for the most part , except for an obvious and memorable reindeer some three feet long , in the museum , animals graphically carved or engraved on bone , many of them heads of horses , but fish too , and pieces of bone , antler and ivory carved quite elaborately into abstract patterns of diamond shapes , chevrons or spirals .
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