Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] up for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It dropped again at first but eventually picked up for a lively last lap .
2 Recently , we had enough saved up for a nice flat after having lived in one room for a year .
3 Mm you basically saving up for a complete system ?
4 Aschmann in his house , all dressed up for a festive occasion , the most glamorous lady in the theatre , was going to make it a party like no other .
5 Why it should suddenly be important to prove this to a number of people that she had n't even met , she did n't stop to question , and she firmly suppressed a naggingly persistent image of Tom Russell and Marise Wyspianski last Saturday all dressed up for the annual Christmas ball given by the Coronation Hospital board .
6 But that one painted notice is not enough to make up for the shabby doors , scruffy brickwork , and grimy frosted glass .
7 It will not make up for the insufficient level of public services that Cleveland has been given by BR . ’
8 He has not turned up for the past two meetings of the Supreme National Council , which he chairs and which is supposed to govern Cambodia , in conjunction with the UN , in the period up to the election .
9 A final technical point on audio versus video recording : it takes no longer to set up for a simple video recording than it does to position a microphone for an audio recording .
10 In any case , he added , people did not show up for the political meetings , only arriving in time for the drinking afterwards .
11 He kept forgetting they would write it down : he seems to have thought — most of the time — that they had just turned up for a friendly drink .
12 However , they were not normally set up for the heavy infantryman 's tactics of prolonged defence before a steady advance , although they were misused in these roles at times .
13 It claims that over 1,000 independent software vendors have already signed up for the new version .
14 It claims over 1,000 ISVs have already signed up for the new version .
15 Several big names have already signed up for the massive complex which will house 68 shops when it opens in August .
16 It is a sick government that is proud of the fact that it 's not signed up for a Social Chapter .
17 Students should expect the Government to meet living costs , but not to cough up for the extra beer and nightclubbing which Richard regards as an important part of student life .
18 As well as crime for corporations and crimes against corporations ( employee theft ) , there are corporations deliberately set up for the sole purpose of committing criminal activity .
19 By the way they 're also made up for the following week as well in case , if it 's Tuesday night , oh , let me just look at next week , what have I got ?
20 Are educational establishments really geared up for the European challenge , and do our current measures go far enough ?
21 It may be worth investing in a course of vitamin supplements — they ca n't make up for a poor diet but they can provide a useful boost occasionally .
22 He had n't let up for a single moment , questioning , probing , searching for clues in her answers like a scientist searching for new bugs on a microscope slide .
23 But these two were n't dressing up for the great outdoors .
24 ‘ If I 'm dreaming I hope I do n't wake up for a long time , ’ he says .
25 I was caught and summoned to the Latin master , who said to me , ’ Walker , you did n't turn up for the Latin exam . ’
26 Yet nothing can quite make up for the gaudy excesses of the auto-da-fe .
27 Curbishley then stepped up for the intermediate girls ' 300 metres hurdles and proceeded to win by 25 metres in a time of 43.9 secs , 1.6 seconds inside the Division Five record .
28 The yachts tacked back and forth across the Solent , and then moored up for a sumptuous lunch .
29 The latter comes in only when this mechanism is no longer operative , when it fails to apply , and the role of the preposition is then to make up for the inoperative movement of incidence …
30 Whatever John 's mother may have thought about his likely lack of application when he wanted to study music , once he decided to learn ballet he took it seriously and must have worked hard to make up for a late start .
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