Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] what [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The TA course 's patrolling is coming on well and the visitor has moved on to see What the junior intake is doing .
2 You 've really got to be one to appreciate the spirit of the place but pop in to see what a real pub should be like .
3 They called us all down to see what a million pounds looked like .
4 One problem is that we do not necessarily know what a particular wavefunction looks like , and it is here that the LCAO approach to the construction of molecular orbitals is very useful .
5 Well they 'd basically do what the British troops would do but they would n't lose much hate against them would they ?
6 Erm which basically says what the main issues throughout the year were .
7 Sharpe told Ziegler what he knew , which merely confirmed what the Prussian Captain had already discovered for himself .
8 I have been constantly told what a fine man he was and I regret not being able to experience and appreciate his qualities first-hand as I have grown from a child to an adult .
9 Films about juvenile delinquency , for example , from Cosh Boy ( 1952 ) to Violent Playground ( 1958 ) , never explore the inner worlds of their characters , only demonstrate what a terrible threat to organized society such behaviour represents .
10 The question of diet generally for elderly people has already been mentioned in Chapter 3 , and all who are trying to ensure that an elderly parent ( particularly one who is living alone ) is eating sensibly know what a difficult problem this is .
11 And what you need to do is , obviously indicate what the modern version is , next to that
12 The Baptists of Amersham were only doing what the universal Church had done for centuries in insisting on partaking in the Communion as a sign of being ‘ in communion ’ with the church .
13 They say they 're only doing what the local council would do if it was allowed .
14 A child must be old enough to understand what the natural consequences of his or her actions are likely to be .
15 The declaration , as its name implies , only declares what the legal position of the parties is ; it does not change their legal position or rights .
16 I entirely endorse what the hon. Gentleman said about the death of Roger Ellwood .
17 I was merely quoting what the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside said and I have said that I am willing to give way to him .
18 It is not generally realised what a tiny percentage of our current dollar bill would be sufficient to buy another 100,000 houses ' worth of dollar timber .
19 Perhaps the only mistake I made all those years ago was not realising what an anti-democratic medium television would prove to be .
20 We have not just heard what the official Opposition have to say , or what the Government have said in the autumn statement ; we have heard what the Opposition 's opposition suggest , in the form of the amendment tabled by the right hon. Member for Chesterfield ( Mr. Benn ) .
21 The legislation reflected a judgement that local authorities could not deliver what the national interest required .
22 You can not guarantee what the resulting shade will be , though — you build up depth with subsequent layers — and you can get tell-tale streaking if you are not very careful with application .
23 The problem is that without measuring the heights , and their frequency , of all adult males we will not know what a representative sample would be .
24 Perhaps the English do not know what an immense treasure they possess in having maintained the choral tradition in colleges and churches , since it provides an unsurpassable musical training , an important number of truly fine choirs , and , finally , the possibility to experience ( and for the listener , to enjoy ) repertories that the long-suffering Spanish enthusiast scarcely knows since they are not performed [ in Spain ] .
25 Accordingly , one is constrained in the way which one can refer to the preceding paragraph in the printed document — because one does not know what the preceding paragraph will be .
26 I do not know what the Labour party is so proud of , because under the previous Labour Government manufacturing output fell by 2 per cent .
27 Geoffrey Robertson , QC for Mr Henderson , told the judge after the acquittals : ‘ The prosecution was brought by one hand of the Government which did not know what the other hand was doing . ’
28 ‘ I do not know what the final outcome will be and would stress that there is no obvious solution at this point , but at least we now have adequate time to look at all the alternatives . ’
29 I do not know what the hon. Gentleman means , but I regret that , as ever — and typically of Labour Members — the hon. Gentleman seems to glory in gloom and despondency in identifying the more negative aspects of things , rather than looking at the positive .
30 I do not know what the hon. Gentleman is talking about .
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