Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] your [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jolyon Jenkins ' selective and tendentious ramblings through old news ( ‘ Crying out for Argentina ’ , 3 April ) do little to provide your readership with the sort of balanced and impartial view of the Falklands they surely deserve .
2 And in Moscow you 'll get more roubles for dollars so change your sterling for the US currency before you leave Britain .
3 Then you search to establish that the borrower is not bankrupt , so make your search on the special form limited to bankruptcy ; thereby you will help the Registry and speed the reply .
4 We 've got 10 copies to give away , so send your entry on a postcard to Wedding and Home /Lovers offer , Greater London House , Hampstead Road , London NW1 7QQ , before July 9 1992 .
5 In describing the various features of this academic essay-writing register , we have stressed that the style you adopt not only places your essay in an established , conventional idiom , but also creates a clear impression of you and your attitudes towards your subject matter , as well as defining a specific relationship with your reader .
6 General Motors has two dealers in Britain — in Kingston and Manchester — and if you want a Syclone they will only lighten your wallet to the tune of £20,000 .
7 ‘ Lady Theodosia , ’ interrupted Aycliffe , ‘ I think you should know that his lordship — Lord Dacre , I mean — went to find your father not only to discover your identity for the purpose of saving your reputation , if he could .
8 It can greatly assist your understanding of the overall organisation of the book .
9 Should you still feel dissatisfied you may personally bring your grievance to the notice of Personnel Management Division or you are free to raise it with your staff association or trade union who may take action on your behalf .
10 So put your cursor on the I .
11 But er I would warn you about er er accounts which obviously tie your money for a lot longer than maybe six months or a year because you 're always at the mercy of the er of the er building society then if their rates turn down or if you want access , you 've got penalties , and I think if , there 's no point in chasing interest rates through building societies generally , because if you take an average over five years , there is n't a lot of difference between one society and another .
12 If you fancy a longer walk it is easy enough to extend your trip through the forest — a circuit of the forest is just under nine miles and will take you around four or five hours .
13 We much enjoyed your visit during the vacation , and your mother and I were pleased to hear that you are attending to your studies and making a circle of friends .
14 However again , in the field that 's frequently not and you do literally drop your probe in a bucket .
15 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
16 ‘ I should so appreciate your help with the background . ’
17 It is n't serious enough to spoil your enjoyment of the car but is hard to understand from a company that spent millions developing the Lexus , the car that banished noise , vibration and harshness .
18 Although I do seem to remember a little scene after you 'd carelessly cut your hand at the fountain , when I mentioned a few more personal attributes that were to my liking . ’
19 Landowners have the right to shoot dogs that worry their sheep , so keep your pet on a lead .
20 You 'll probably need to wash your hands , so start your survey on the upper floor , in the bathroom ; as you wash , check the water pressure in the taps , examine the fittings , lift the carpet in the corners and check the floorboards for damp and woodworm — and inspect the plumbing and heating as far as you are able ( see Chapter 6 ) .
21 Draw up a list of 20 things you have never done that are silly but do n't cost much money and work your way down the list by doing one each day ( eg leave your car in the garage and hitch a lift , turn the daily newspaper into papier mâché , go to the shops wearing a funny hat , shake hands with the next 10 people you meet ) .
22 ‘ But you better get your arse on the deck .
23 Better put your name at the top of the page as well .
24 It is often tempting to think that some critic you have read can summarise your viewpoint better than you yourself can , and so to end your essay with a quotation from someone else .
25 Remember that there is no shame in failing in the short-term provided you learn from that failure and so assist your progress in the long-term .
26 You still — God knows why — wish to imagine that someone will inadvertently examine your underwear after the car crash of sexual congress .
27 For those who may not know , the correct method of picking up a ferret is to gently place your hand underneath the animal , thumb uppermost , with the front feet of the ferret being between index finger and middle finger .
28 If you continue to eat the same kind of foods , and only increase your intake to the normal 2,000 mark by eating a little bit more of the same , life and the measuring tape should hold no terrors for you .
29 You might be 37 or 42 when you suddenly see your reflection on a bad day and are shocked to discover you 're not the 32 you feel inside .
30 If you knew what the combination of circumstances were , then you could perhaps re-do your spreadsheet with a different way to avoid it .
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