Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] him [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , she guides him to check his suggestion and when he realises that he is not successful , she skilfully involves him in the final solution to the problem .
2 I looked around for Kalchu and eventually found him on the far side of the fire talking to a group of men , some of whom I recognized as being from Chaura and from Chhuma .
3 From that time on he improved in leaps and bounds and eventually , after about seven months , I started gingerly walking him around the small paddock next to his box with a bridle and a lunge rein threaded through his bit and over his head .
4 The former England batsman also claimed that Donald was not a one-day cricketer and that Warwickshire only used him with the new ball in such games .
5 The king personally rewarded him with the Victorian Order , fourth class , but broke off relations when the disgruntled recipient of the decoration returned it the following day .
6 You have to get him wound down a bit , you have to do it , you know of a about half an hour or so ask him for the proper name !
7 In terms of an artist who discovers the meaning in the making of a picture , he is , I think , the superior artist , and that Picasso really only matches him in the Cubist paintings where the meaning is found in the material in an extraordinary sense , with dapplings and little markings and so on .
8 ‘ Mortmain' , or dead hand , refers to the fact that the church was an undying institution so that any land which it held in fee ( or freehold ) was never vacated by the death of its owner or came into the possession of a minor or an heiress ; thus it would never revert ( or escheat ) to the chief lord for the duration of the vacancy or minority , so depriving him of the valuable rights of wardship and marriage appertaining to feudal tenure .
9 It obviously recognized him as the only being that had ever showed it kindness .
10 Manager Goodman quickly spotted that Harry 's lack of inches ( he only stood 5ft 6in ) were something of a handicap when playing down the middle in Second Division football and successfully transferred him to the outside-right spot .
11 French superstar Zafonic was pulled out of the St James 's Palace Stakes when owner Prince Khalid Abdulla decided not to risk him on the rain-softened surface .
12 His knowledge of foreign issues was limited and Roosevelt had not consulted him in the brief period that Truman held the vice-presidency .
13 that does n't bother me , but considering it was only the second I 'd spoken to him and I did not fancy him in the least erm , it really made my skin crawl .
14 You now , he , he 's had , I 'm just keeping him on the straight and narrow while he 's on remission .
15 And one particularly thorough research study on boys growing up in London concluded that if a boy offends , the best way to prevent him from offending repeatedly is not to catch him in the first place ( West , 1992 : 104–11 ) !
16 His own oeuvre , lacking perhaps the soaring inspiration of Paul De Lamerie [ q.v. ] or Paul Crespin , nevertheless places him in the first rank .
17 She told me just to feed him from the other side , so I did , fully expecting my right breast to explode , but it did n't !
18 He pounced on the Scottish selectors for not picking him for the 4 × 100 metres relay team for Edinburgh and , so it said in one of the tabloids , he was now ready to meet Linford Christie .
19 Since then , communism has fallen , and his once-faithful compatriots will no longer welcome him with the same fervour when he arrives for his fourth visit on June 1st .
20 She could not picture him behind the grim walls of Swansea Prison , instead she remembered him riding with her in the park , smiling down at her with his dark eyes , making her feel so small and helpless .
21 Taylor was upset with Platt before the Turkey game for not informing him of the serious nature of the injury but the player surprised him by playing at Wembley with his usual effectiveness .
22 Sleep suggestions are made to encourage the subject to sever the critical awareness that normally links him to the external environment ; ‘ reality testing ’ has to be set aside .
23 Certainly Jenny did not see him for the first few evenings she was at Moorlake .
24 We did not see him as the spineless vicar that Fielding turned him into in Shamela .
25 The golf fan , if he notices the caddie at all , probably just sees him as the anonymous person who carries the superstar 's bag and is , incidentally , a walking billboard for the sponsor .
26 It had to be an art that did not separate him from the uncultured poor but was founded in them , gathering them to him in a home of art they could all share , a home that sheltered and consoled ; a warm place .
27 I truly did mean just to ride him to the nearest hamlet .
28 But she no longer treated him with the old irritable dismissiveness ; she knew of Edouard 's reputation as a businessman , and obviously had heard his abilities praised , for she now regarded him warily , as if trying to decide whether , after all , she might have been wrong , and her younger son might be of use to her .
29 I 've just asked him about the collaborative review the focus is apparently on national curriculum so that means maths , English and , but they want to look ge more general issues and because they 're in on a Wens Tuesday and a Wednesday he said that they would go in a look at , three of them would go in a look at taught tutorial lessons they will want to talk to me about the tutorial programme I would hope that that would involve somebody else cos I 've got the bit of the fence that I sit on and ask one or two of you to give your opinion if , if you 're available .
30 It is essential not to confound him with the greater Frederick II ( Hohenstaufen ) , holy Roman emperor from 1215 to 1250 , and before that ( 1198–1212 ) king of Sicily as Frederick I. For this great figure , author of The Book of the Falcon and a hero for Dante as well as Pound , is to figure portentously in the Thrones cantos to come as we shall see .
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