Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] their [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 Radical Whigs in the early 1680s had challenged the Crown 's control of the armed forces and of appointment to office : the Rye House Plotters wanted the militia placed " in the hands of the people " ; Monmouth had insisted that judges should not hold their commissions at the King 's pleasure but rather " during good behaviour " .
2 I wanted to help these women to ‘ find a voice ’ and no longer to place their needs at the bottom of the list of priorities .
3 Sixty people have already lost their jobs at the Norfolk Smokehouses food processing plant .
4 Jonadab and his two sons were just scraping their boots at the back door , prior to going in for a mug of tea .
5 A group of derelicts seated in the trash-strewn gutter amiably waved their bottles at the passing parade .
6 Gripping the child 's arm , Aggie pulled her from the room and through into a hall and there she stood waiting , for she guessed that the women lined up like felons against the wall would now be led out to pay their fines at the desk in the corner , or be taken through the door back to the cells .
7 Although they did n't know their names at the time , they spotted Dominic Wetherby and the American boy , Lee Horan , going into the public bar , but no-one suggested that the two parties should join up .
8 Goats will even toss their horns at the shadow of an eagle flying overhead , and will chase eagles off ledges .
9 They discovered the secrets of the seashore before learning how to polish their finds at the Margrove Heritage Centre .
10 So this morning , Jones and Co can again thumb their noses at the elite ( if they can find it through the hangover haze ) thanks to Lawrie Sanchez 's 80th-minute strike .
11 Shortly before five o'clock the sepoy cavalry made an attack near the Cutcherry but fortunately the men had not yet left their positions at the rampart .
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