Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] on the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is almost impossible to get brilliant and dark grains properly exposed on the same frame .
2 The public were advised that the ward would be ready to receive on Saturday August 13th , and that ‘ medical gentlemen would be ready to give their advice to all such out-patients as shall come properly recommended on the same day ’ .
3 Anne Marriner , 23 , admitted attempting to obtain property by deception and two counts of criminal damage all committed on the same day during January .
4 However , as before , No 7819 started in spectacular fashion only to falter on the latter part of the climb .
5 The existence of judicial balancing should not lead us to conclude that all such balancing is necessarily premised on the same assumptions .
6 The Met , Signals and Switchboard girls all worked on the same ground floor , next to each other , and at the end of the corridor were the girls in the Intelligence office , although they did n't mix with us so much .
7 She argues that the nature of the Tests is now so different that we can not object on the same grounds as each objection has been met .
8 So just keeping on the same sort of subject , of sex , drugs and ,
9 The exclusion of parts of the centre " let or constructed or adapted for letting " is fair and reasonable , but quite often an exclusion will relate only to parts of the centre " not let on the same terms as this lease " which could result in the occupying tenants paying part of the service charges for unlet premises .
10 They had all their limited attention focused on Hrun , who was admittedly built on the same lines as themselves .
11 Cherbonnier & Sibuet ( 1972 ) consider S. pulvirus to be distinct from S. verrilli because the infradental papillae lie above the teeth and are contiguous , not lying on the same level as and separated by the ventral most tooth as in Lyman 's holotype , and the ventralmost tooth , i.e. the one next to the infradental papillae is block-like whereas in the holotype of S. verrilli it is tricuspid .
12 Treatment with one of the benzimidazoles or levamisole is effective and the condition may be prevented by ensuring that birds do not run on the same ground each year .
13 So the practice itself becomes useful for two different purposes , diagnosis and collaboration , which will probably not happen on the same occasion .
14 Sheep were generally found on the more upland areas and were often ‘ herded ’ rather than farmed by full-time farmer/shepherds .
15 Sharp rises in the national export statistics in both 1523–4 and 152 rule out any general depression ; any unemployment can only have been temporary and localised , as the disorders in the eastern counties were not repeated on the same scale anywhere .
16 In order to effect transfer of vessels at either level , the two tanks must not travel on the same plane .
17 ‘ It is feared that Hungary and Romania will no longer sit on the same side of the negotiation table in Vienna , ’ he said .
18 Production here does not continue on the same path , moving in the same cycles all the time , but increases in scope .
19 We began our laborious task without once reflecting on the many dangers that might attend it .
20 A test performed at a reputable clinic — and found to be positive — is checked by doing further test on the same sample using different methods to detect HIV antibodies .
21 You must take for twenty-one days religiously , stop for seven , always begin on the same day of the week , got it ?
22 In contrast , rugs produced in India , Pakistan , the Soviet Union , Afghanistan and the Balkans are often extremely difficult to distinguish from one another because they are usually based on the same range of traditional Persian , Turkoman or Caucasian designs ; often the only difference in their appearance is the fineness of the knotting and the skill with which the composition has been achieved .
23 Sunday was the first and chief day of the week , and saints ' days always fell on the same date , as did some of the major festivals such as Christmas , which was celebrated on VIII Kal Jan ( 25 December ) .
24 The same is time for visits to schools and for the school quiz , where Catholic schools are always paired on the same side as Protestant ones in order to facilitate , again momentarily , some intercommunal co-operation .
25 Obviously the indicated similar remedy is still chosen on the same principles as before but choice of potency , up to now our main variable factor for controlling the response to the remedy , is not such an issue when using the LM 's .
26 In the event , the water is far from hot — the EOKA gunmen who were once interned in this camp probably relied on the same boiler for water , and I am sure it was with a wry sense of humour that the Greek Cypriot government allocated St David 's Camp to the British contingent of the UN Forces in Cyprus .
27 He was also seen on the same Monday slightly later standing at Crown Point , Martlesham .
28 Put both answers on the same postcard and send it to : Sharp answer , Liverpool Echo Sports Desk , PO Box 48 , Old Hall Street , L69 3EB .
29 It had been held up because of the freezing of assistance to the Soviet Union ( also released on the same day — see p. 38105 ) .
30 because there must be some give and take in the deal and the Purchaser would probably proceed on the same terms even if it knew of a few minor breaches — the Purchaser should not be able to bring a claim after completion for those kinds of problems ;
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