Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] for the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The 231 staff were re-employed indefinitely — at cost of £50,000 each — some doing less work for the same money .
2 There is a new Nelson First Certificate Course to accompany the three other course titles Nelson already has for the same exam .
3 Health warnings on advertisements do not work for the same reason as health warnings on labels — they represent a token gesture which will have no material effect .
4 But they have requested the two-storey shop units in Clark 's Yard are not used for the same type of shops already there , to prevent competition for existing business .
5 It should be suppressed in spoken language interpreting , but in sign language interpreting it may not be , since speech and sign , at least on the surface , will not compete for the same articulator .
6 Some authorities operate superannuation funds on behalf of their past and present employees and these fund accounts are often not consolidated for the same reason .
7 Notoriously strong , due to enforced national service , and generously funded for the same reason , French Army sides of the past have launched international careers like that of Eric Vergniol , who this year switched to rugby union .
8 I told her that oiling was not our job and that management was always trying to make us do more work for the same pay .
9 He never gives his name , and he always asks for the same dedication .
10 On informal testing each child ignored a toy presented in the half-field contralateral to the removed hemisphere , but promptly reached for the same toy in the ipsilateral half-field .
11 Falconi , swept over the island , while the Bf109Es of 7/JG 26 also made for the same location .
12 A ban on strike action which was also proposed for the same period , with heavy fines for offenders , had been dropped by the parliamentary labour committee when it became clear that it would receive no support , but fines for unofficial strikes were increased .
13 An office was opened in Nairobi in an attempt to sell advertising time to commercial companies operating from there , and a London representative was later appointed for the same purpose .
14 If there was a black kid and a white kid with equal qualifications who both went for the same job , I would have to put my money on the white kid getting the job , because we 're in a white-dominated society .
15 Businesses , house buyers and so forth also compete for the same space , the strongest ( i.e. those who can offer the highest price ) eventually gaining the most favourable positions .
16 Any tail string which uses the divergent node number is also removed for the same reason .
17 Travis had raised himself out of his despair to quip that she and his cousin both worked for the same firm , but the message that had come across to her from the dark steely look of Naylor Massingham was that that might be true now , but , since she had chosen not to heed his warning , one of them would not be working for the same firm for very much longer !
18 It had responsibility for two institutions within five miles of each other , both established for the same function and both less than half full .
19 Overall the event was a major success and has already been provisionally booked for the same venue year .
20 Another phrase that 's often used for the same thing is your statutory rights .
21 And Eagle Star has been badly hit for the same reason ; their profits are down 170,000,000 to just 9,000,000 .
22 Sometimes people ca n't speak for the same sort of reasons , but it 's always got to be something traumatic that 's happened .
23 Knowing that the carp will not have as much energy as when I first hooked it , I pile on the pressure in no uncertain terms , and the fish swings round and immediately makes for the same lily bed it took refuge in previously .
24 After I 'd returned and delivered the order someone else asked for the same service , which I willingly performed again , and yet again .
25 As a result , the council having declined to give an undertaking , the interlocutory injunction was discharged ; and your Lordships were informed that the interlocutory injunctions granted in about 100 other cases were likewise discharged for the same reason .
26 In addition , while many , if not all , children are likely to take GCSE examinations in the most popular subjects of Maths and English , the examination is primarily designed for the same population as covered by O-level and CSE , namely the top 60 per cent or so .
27 Because each species has a tendency to stay in a particular strata in the tall forest , they seldom compete for the same food .
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