Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] his [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
2 Josiah Wedgwood may have boasted his intent of " making such machines of men as can not err " but he could not nail his potters to the floor and was left to fume when they absented themselves for the local " wakes " .
3 It is therefore slightly ironic that it should have been this same Meistersinger which now finally stirred his feelings to the point where any " healthy " critical stance became impossible .
4 And though he could not lift his eyes to the streetlights
5 And this could never be real , this never could be happening to her , walking on the white squares behind Finn , who moved as if he did not set his feet to the ground , so gracefully , so uncannily .
6 Luke took her hand , but instead of shaking it lifted it to his mouth and turned it over to press his lips to the very centre of her palm , watching the shock that widened her grey eyes at the tingling contact .
7 ( The education of Dustin towards some understanding of feminism , even though mainly in theory rather than in practice , was only to come after his divorce , the making of Kramer vs Kramer and Tootsie , and marriage to a woman who did not put his ideas to the test . )
8 So far as Hitler was concerned , and he was certainly the person who started the war , his objectives were , was to achieve a form of economic autarchy which involved the conquest of , of , of er territory in Europe er but which would not push his adversaries to the point of fighting a war of national existence .
9 When a gentleman has had a particularly good meal , Bogtrotter , he always sends his complements to the chef .
10 They noticed that he kept his hands clasped inside the voluminous sleeves of his gown and rarely raised his eyes to the face of the governor or the senator .
11 He blithely led his guests to the picture-window framing the classic ‘ dreaming spires ’ view of the city , pointing out the various features , distinguishing the cathedral from St Mary 's , Merton from Magdalen , the fantastic lacework of All Souls from the monastic sobriety of New College .
12 She would explain the nature of her interest , so awakening in him a wish to know more about what goes on outside Masailand and also opening his eyes to the fact that the white folk see the Masai as childlike .
13 When returned to power in1988 , Jack Lang took some of the opposition 's criticism to heart and also switched his priorities to the heritage , especially the cathedrals and historic gardens , to restoration and to education , although today he is still attacked by the opposition for neglecting these fields .
14 Altogether Eliot , who later offered his services to the Ministry of Information , which was founded on 5 September , two days after the outbreak of war , believed that a great deal could meanwhile be done by way of the spoken and written word .
15 Dr Laurence Rocke is now sending his findings to The Lancet .
16 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
17 ‘ He claimed to be a expert on child abuse and once even offered his services to the Metropolitan Police — although we did not use him .
18 Dalziel laughed but did n't turn his eyes to the speaker .
19 Thacker looked her up and down , then dropped his eyes to the floor .
20 He allowed himself one backward glance towards the estate , then turned his heels to the task of flight .
21 He then switched his efforts to the light-heavyweight division , the British championship of which he won spectacularly ( in one round ) in 1977 .
22 At yesterday 's welcoming press conference he declined to comment and instead confined his remarks to the job in hand : seven matches in Wales , five in Ireland and one ( against the Barbarians ) in England .
23 He once again submitted his proposals to the Labour National Executive favouring a United Peace Alliance and electoral agreement .
24 Well , Inspector Drew had certainly hoisted his colours to the mast .
25 Mr Davey 's imperative as a publisher that so upset Mr Hitchin and his fellow booksellers was that ‘ my prime concern is that the school buys my books , and the only person the publisher can rely upon to actively sell his books to the school is himself ’ .
26 Knott meantime offered his mines to the Taylor partnership in return for a share in the whole .
27 He never brought his friends to the house and she had never known where he spent his spare time .
28 Her husband , up to the time of his death , had been a miner although there had been occasions when he had made scarcely any wage — but still he had never sent his children to the mine .
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