Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] it [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LORD Ted Willis has introduced an extraordinary bill into the House of Lords which would effectively make it illegal for British shops to sell any audio or video tape recorder .
2 Harrington at once leapt into a slit trench in great haste , only to find it full of barbed wire which inflicted severe lacerations on him .
3 This project examines whether the differences in external conditions ( and in the characteristics of countries themselves ) alter their costs and benefits sufficiently to make it inappropriate for new NICs .
4 The reeve , attendant at Hugh 's elbow , eyed him sidelong , and said insinuatingly : ‘ You 'll not think it ill of good husbandmen to take what God sends and be grateful for it ? ’
5 It was an order — a rare thing from Therese — and Flavia could not refuse it short of gross discourtesy in public to an older woman and a friend .
6 ‘ The airlines all know , of course , but they tend not to make it public for commercial reasons . ’
7 Their Lordships do not find it necessary for present purposes to examine the question what element of mens rea is required as an ingredient of the offences …
8 But the loss of military independence , industrial capacity , employment and markets that such a policy would involve has always made it unacceptable to Western European governments and electorates , including our own .
9 Even after many of the separate grants were amalgamated in 1958 into a single general grant , government continued to expand its financial support quite rapidly to make it possible for local councils to fulfil the pledges which national parties frequently gave in general elections — to replace slums or old schools , to reduce the size of classes , and much else .
10 The tax would not come into force until approved by member governments , however , and the Commission also made it conditional on other industrialized countries , notably the USA , agreeing to similar measures .
11 The USA also made it clear to Israeli officials that any Israeli military involvement in the crisis would cause a radical shift in the already unstable Arab ranks , possibly leading a number of those currently allied to the USA to side instead with Iraq .
12 Carbon is important and deserves to have its own private branch of chemistry , partly because life chemistry is all carbon-chemistry , and partly because those same properties that make carbon-chemistry suitable for life also make it suitable for industrial processes , such as those of the plastics industry .
13 As an important by-product it will also make it difficult for prospective bidders to build up stakes in secret .
14 Without a conceptual model of the market place and the organization 's possible place within it , general checklists of factors lack rigour and may simply make it easy for interested parties to emphasize different factors at different times , depending on their interests .
15 Once a Squig has been provoked from its lair the Night Goblins throw nets over it then bash it senseless with large clubs so it can be safely dragged away .
16 ‘ The course is drying up quickly and you could almost call it good to soft .
17 What 's more , when you 've finished with it simply wipe it clean and then fold it flat for easy storage .
18 ‘ God 's green earth in all its fullness is for the people ’ he proclaimed , and set about making it possible with characteristic fervour .
19 It can be clipped lightly to keep it formal in early spring .
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