Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , most of the early studies on owl digestion have been carried out on species that do little damage to the bones of their prey .
2 The expectation at an early age that career aspirations can not be met locally contributes to a lack of commitment to the home area and to the acceptance of out-migration as the inevitable solution .
3 This pump-leak system allows K + ions to recycle across the basolateral membrane , promotes hyperpolarisation of the parietal cell , and thereby contributes to the maintenance of the electrochemical gradient that favours Cl - exit at the apical membrane during acid secretion .
4 The transcripts were handed over to the Serious Fraud Office , and duly and properly given to the defendants in the criminal proceedings .
5 He thought back over the last few hours , the acknowledged relief of talking to Alice , the knowledge that nothing shocked her , nothing surprised her , that everything he did , if not right in her eyes , was judged by a different standard from the one she rigorously applied to the rest of her life .
6 We now know that during the Saturday daylight raids on London , a chiefs-of-staff meeting took urgent action on deciding that invasion was likely within a few hours ; they had the code word ‘ Cromwell ’ flashed from the War Room to military units at 20.07 hours that evening ( which presumably led to the flap at my unit ; the station commander was away that weekend , and the acting CO in charge ) .
7 Somerset 's arrest in 1549 did not , as many expected , return the conservatives to power , but rather led to the primacy of John Dudley , Duke of Northumberland , who in alliance with Archbishop Cranmer eliminated the remaining conservatives from the council .
8 In each case , our intuition agrees with Bolinger that the adjective acts to qualify the description inherent in the noun , rather than the entity identified by the noun ; one may readily agree that there is a significant contrast between these and the following adjectives , in predicative position , which he gives as instances of referent-qualification ( in our terms , instances where the adjective is straight-forwardly assigned to the entity of the subject and shares the same referential locus ) : ( 3 ) the student was eager the man was hungry the lawyer was criminal ( One might , though , add the comment that criminal is seldom used ascriptively of human beings as opposed to their actions . )
9 But not even Michael had known about the other sum — smaller , but just as regular — that Holdfast had dourly diverted to the fighters on his own side of the great divide .
10 The notable successes of the women 's branch under Anderson 's leadership , particularly women inspectors ' ‘ substitution ’ for men inspectors during World War I , paradoxically led to the demise of the women 's branch in 1921 , when women and men inspectors were ‘ fused ’ into an integrated inspectorate .
11 The flight was successfully undertaken to the area of Kerkenah Island , where two 22X Squadron Sunderlands met the Hurricanes and led them on the last leg to the island .
12 If you find that the results are likely to be disastrous , and that the principles underlying it , which we detect not only from the official utterances of members of the Government but also from the more indiscreet explanations of so-called supporters of the government are pernicious and that the whole matter is one that has never been duly referred to the people of this country , then I venture to say that your Lordships have a clear duty before you — not to decree the final extinction of the Bill — because that is not what we propose , but to insist that before it becomes law an authoritative expression of the opinion of the electors of the United Kingdom shall have reached us with regard to it .
13 In the first place , as the age of marriage decreased , the years of potential childbearing for the wife increased , and this in turn eventually led to a shortening of the intervals between generations , so increasing the proportion of the population likely to get pregnant .
14 It was in this capacity that Le Duc Tho conducted secret negotiations in the early 1970s with Henry Kissinger , US President Nixon 's National Security Adviser , which eventually led to the signing of the 1973 Paris agreements .
15 This division eventually led to the departure of some of the laboratory 's senior staff , a loss that became the universities ' gain .
16 This eventually led to the initiation of the annual ‘ Puritan ’ Conference in 1950 ( since re-named the ‘ Westminster ’ Conference ) and which continues to this day .
17 Ever since 1914 , when the great majority of the leaders of social democratic parties in Europe supported the war effort of their own nation states — under a variety of influences , one of which was undoubtedly the nationalist fervour of the peoples involved — the capacity of the socialist movement to bring about a new kind of political relationship among the peoples of the world has seemed more questionable ; and the doubts have multiplied not only as a result of the course taken by the revolution in Russia , culminating in the project of building ‘ socialism in one country ’ , which eventually led to the identification of socialism with the national interests of the Soviet Union , but also in the light of the actual relations that developed between the communist countries in the postwar period .
18 Subsequently , and very shortly after having written that letter , the father sought legal advice in Australia and then took the steps which eventually led to the issue of this originating summons .
19 In late 1959 Goleniewski had given MI5 enough information to identify Harry Houghton , who worked at the Admiralty 's underwater research laboratory at Portland , which eventually led to the exposure of the Portland spy ring .
20 The failure of this ‘ mechanical speech ’ approach ( which eventually led to the development of speech synthesis by rule ) has many lessons to teach us about pronunciation teaching and learning , and it will be useful , in looking at connected speech , to bear in mind the difference between the way humans speak and what would be found in ‘ mechanical speech ’ .
21 As an undercover customs agent based in Tampa , Florida , it was his suggestion to target a small-time Colombian drug-money launderer called Gonzalo Mora Jnr that eventually led to the uncovering of a huge laundering operation centred on BCCI .
22 An example is William McDougal 's correspondence with Friendly Societies which revealed their discrimination against deaf people , and eventually led to the acceptance of the deaf and dumb on equal terms with hearing people by the Church Benefit Society .
23 The expense , the incompetence of the personnel , the distances involved , the lack of an agricultural base , the foreign competition , a reorientation of imperial policies in the far East — these and a number of other factors analysed by Gibson eventually led to the sale of Russian America to the United States in 1867 ‘ at two cents an acre ’ .
24 First , although it was a serious issue which eventually led to the introduction of the Public Order Act in 1936 , such violence was only a pale reflection of the conflict which led to the growth of fascism in Italy and Germany in the inter-war period .
25 This eventually led to the establishment of the Phillimore Committee , which issued a fairly modest report in 1974,1R and thence to the Contempt of Court Act 1981 .
26 He dispassionately and properly referred to the feelings of locomotive drivers .
27 Part of the reason for this is , again , the way in which women are effectively confined to the home at least for some part of their lives .
28 By 1901 worker activists were overwhelmingly committed to the need for political revolution .
29 ‘ Obviously , by background and experience I 'm wholly committed to the benefits of the capitalist system .
30 First , is every director wholly committed to the concept of the accountability of the board as a whole , primarily to shareholders but also to other constituencies ?
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