Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] a [noun] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 BRIAN Robinson last season successfully completed a masters degree at Loughborough College .
2 Since the prohibition order was made , he had undertaken a stringent cleaning routine every night after closing and had also successfully completed a hygiene course on the advice of Sefton Council 's own public health experts .
3 Later the same day , the receiver successfully completed a sale agreement with the same purchaser .
4 But it is unlikely that the ICC could have successfully mounted an exercise to codify contract rules governing commercial agency agreements , though a Working party of the ICC 's Commission on International Commercial practice under the chair-manship of professor Fabio Bortolotti has successfully completed a model form of agency contract for international trade and is proceeding with work on a model distribution contract .
5 Since then the search has been on to acquire a Lockheed Constellation for the collection .
6 A MAN who successfully traced a forces pal through the columns of The Northern Echo said yesterday it had brought bad news .
7 The plan is for publishers to donate their unsold magazines , presumably gaining a tax benefit in the process , and these will then be shipped overseas .
8 A Buckingham Palace spokesman said he would be well enough to attend a promenade concert at London 's Royal Albert Hall tonight — and is expected to make a full recovery in seven to 10 days .
9 Simon suggests , ‘ only using a cheque book for household bills and so on .
10 The more he reads , the more certain he is that it 's garbage — and how can you diplomatically conduct a love affair with a poet whose work you view in that light ?
11 It should not be assumed as a matter of course that such use of part of a dwellinghouse necessarily involves a material change of use requiring permission .
12 In future students will be under the control of the Education rather than the Service side , and will only make a service contribution of 20 per cent of the student 's time ( approximately 6 months of the 3 year period ) .
13 Further peace talks brokered by Oakley led to the announcement on Dec. 27 of a reconciliation agreement between Aydid and Mahdi Mohammed , who together led a peace march on Dec. 28 across the so-called " green line " which had divided Mogadishu between their forces .
14 Those few that escape being eaten form pairs and go off together to find a nest site in a crevice in the ground or a crack in a tree .
15 The opposition thoughtfully provided a batting line-up of stroke-playing dashers , and bowlers that could easily have been selected at random from a passing Delhi omnibus .
16 ‘ Every climbing rope should only undergo a set number of falls before being thrown away , ’ explains Oag .
17 With SARFU unification accomplished in South Africa , French moved swiftly to secure a Wallaby tour to South Africa for this year .
18 In Women , Power and Politics part of our argument was that legislation is not enough to establish a gender order in which women are seen as the equals of men .
19 At present , Mikhail Gorbachev 's reforms merely provide a case study in how to wreck an economy .
20 Additionally , in some urban areas neighbourhood councils have been formed but these have no statutory functions and merely provide a sounding board for local opinion .
21 Prosecutors on March 18 opened another investigation into claims that Christopher Drogoul , the former head of BNL 's branch in Atlanta , had personally telephoned a US company on Aug. 7 , 1990 ( i.e. after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait ) , to offer help with circumventing the newly implemented US sanctions against Iraq .
22 I unwisely approached a bus queue at one stage and was nearly mobbed .
23 Hauser not only has a twenty-acre estate at Livingstone Manor .
24 The findings included caesium 134 which , as it only has a half life of two years , indicates that it must have originated in recent tests .
25 If wild animals have access to your garden you may need to prevent them trying to dig up your pet 's body ; make sure that the grave is as deep as possible and perhaps place a paving slab over it .
26 Soon after that , I was fortunate enough to obtain a research studentship at U.C.L. which paid me a small salary of 750 per annum — this was slightly less than what I had been earning as a teacher , but it enabled me to return full-time to research at U.C.L. The money for the studentship had been provided by a television network , ATN .
27 If there is no room to fit a separate shower cubicle , the simplest answer it so fit a bath/shower mixer in place of normal bath taps .
28 Run-DMC sensibly provided a side order of heavy metal with their rantings and secured crossover success , while it 's noticeable that LL Cool J has resorted to introducing unabashed Radio 2-style ballads into his repertoire .
29 Erm perhaps operating a mail shot at the beginning of the academic year with the er er appropriate educational and other institutions .
30 A group of software developers are getting together to create a demo CD/ROM of their software for SCO Forum this summer .
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