Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the same [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now she had arrived in East Africa only to find the same grim process being repeated — but with one significant difference .
2 The window distances to some extent ; the door exposes the alarming feeling of not only sharing the same dramatic time but the same dramatic space .
3 If the worst examples of A-road architecture are produced by a combination of developer , architect and local authority all holding the same materialistic values , the reverse is also true .
4 This set of words is called the word-initial cohort , since it is a set of words all having the same initial sound .
5 Imperialism focused on one or two natural resources , thus creating a homogeneous agricultural proletariat , all doing the same labouring job .
6 For example , the following pair of programs have the same effect on the final state and so have the same normal form : unc There are important distinctions that need to be made between processes at the boundary between ( a ) and ( b ) .
7 Children do not make the same rigid distinction between humans and animals that adults learn to make .
8 France had not been a party to the negotiations , had not enjoyed the same privileged access to US nuclear technology , and possessed neither the submarines to launch Polaris nor the warheads to arm them .
9 Being stroked physically has the same soothing effect and the phrase , ‘ being stroked ’ when we are complimented grows from the similarity of these experiences .
10 But somehow the invitation no longer holds the same enticing mystery as it once did .
11 While the reform of the welfare state has not attracted the same consistent media attention as other issues , the changes made in the scope of welfare provision since 1979 nevertheless amount to a mini-revolution , and have played a part in creating an underclass .
12 Women are still not permitted the same sexual freedom as men .
13 There is no doubting the determination of Alan Greenspan to hold down inflation , but he does not enjoy the same political independence as Germany 's Bundesbank .
14 Those who died in the streets attempting to get away suffered the same agonizing fate and were stifled by the fumes .
15 ‘ I … ’ she began , bewildered , the pain in her lip did not send the same honeyed message to her body , ‘ I do n't know … . ’
16 Zuwaya probably used marriages to create alliances with members of other lineages living in the same place , and to maintain connection with members of the same lineage living in different places , even though they did not feel the same ecological pressures as the members of the Saadi confederation .
17 Saddam does not feel the same filial affection for Nasser as , for example , Gadaffi .
18 Incompatibility increases the frequency of associated bacteria by indirectly decreasing the frequency of cytoplasmic lineages that do not carry the same bacterial strain , 24 .
19 Then there are waters which do not provide the same good spawning facilities ; maybe a lack of shallows and plant life in which to lay eggs and milt .
20 Methadone does not follow the same metabolic pathways as morphine , so it has been suggested that it may be useful in morphine resistant nociceptive ( paradoxical ) pain .
21 Because women have not had the same historical relation of identity to origin , institution , production , that men have had , women have not , I think , ( collectively ) felt burdened by too much Self , Ego , Cogito , etc .
22 And , is there any good reason the Royals can not use the same commercial flights as the rest of us ?
23 We do not have the same pre-programmed instincts and mind patterns , the same tattvic constitution , and we thus find it difficult to know exactly what is being communicated .
24 George II died in October 1770 and his grandson , twenty-two years of age , became George III and he did not have the same deep concern for Hanover as had his forbears .
25 Discourse , on the other hand , does not have the same unhindered mobility .
26 All of the Fortune 500 corporations do not have the same economic impact on the United States , for example , as a few copper TNCs have had on Chile , or fruit companies on Central America or mining corporations on Southern Africa .
27 If they wish to do so , companies should be able to have non-executive directors who do not have the same legal responsibility for its activities as do other directors .
28 For example , a medallion composed from a Shou character for longevity does not have the same symbolic intent as one based on the peony , which indicates nobility , wealth and love ; the meaning of the inner pattern , rather than the medallion itself should always be read .
29 The design of a Π-type m-derived section based on a prototype Π-section is not the Π-section equivalent of the m-derived T-section just deduced , for this does not have the same characteristic impedance as the Π-prototype .
30 Why then do we not take the same laid-back attitude if someone says ‘ I am in pain … ’ ?
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