Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] give [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , legislation expressly intended to give effect to the first stage of Economic and Monetary Union has already been enacted , following the decision of the European Council in Madrid in June 1989 that that stage should begin on 1 July 1990 .
2 It is for the courts to construe those words and it is the court 's duty in so doing to give effect to the intention of Parliament in using those words .
3 This section examines cases which use indirect words , words directed to someone other than the trustee , which are none the less held to give rise to an obligation under trust in the trustee .
4 If the Government are sincere about the Bill , they should not hesitate to give assurances to the House and the country that the money will be found to ensure that a link will be provided and that services will be available to the communities in the regions , and particularly the north , from the channel tunnel .
5 Thus there must have been initial configurations that would not have given rise to a universe like the one we see today .
6 A fair employer will already have given thought to the alternatives to redundancy , perhaps even contacting other companies within the same group to see whether vacancies exist elsewhere .
7 For the avoidance of doubt , Mr. Speaker , I do not intend to give way to the hon. Gentleman and , if he persists in intervening , it is merely because the Labour party 's grasp of democracy can not survive a week such as the previous one .
8 In the same vein , it was stated that it is a major disappointment that employers are not encouraged to give jobs to the long-term unemployed under the Act .
9 On the other hand , there are cases in which the existence of an alternative remedy seems not to have given rise to a discretion to refuse a remedy but to have operated as an absolute bar to the award of a judicial remedy .
10 The recessed arch panels can now be easily removed to give access to the main girders for future inspection and maintenance .
11 The socio-economic problems in West Germany as elsewhere have given rise to an inevitable resurgence of hostility towards ethnic and other minorities , and have put some pressure on the political system itself ( reflected in the emergence of the part ecological , part anti-nuclear , part general social protest ‘ Green Party ’ ) .
12 Why that is so extraordinary is that governors of institutions of that kind tend not to want to give interviews to the press ; they keep their views very much to themselves .
13 He was an only child who had learned to read at three and quickly began giving characters to the numbers in arithmetic because he had no one to play with .
14 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
15 Now if the protracted labour and gestation period ever does give birth to a new set of regulations governing player registration in England , the likes of Shelford will not be able to play in the rugby competitions in this country .
16 The GLC also agreed to give funding to the Gay London Policing group ( GALOP ) , a monitoring project , in keeping with their overall concern about police accountability ; and to the September In The Pink Festival , in keeping with their policy of generating cheap , enjoyable cultural activities .
17 If the lunar curves in Figure 6.9 can roughly be applied to Mercury then crater erasure took place before about 4000 Ma ago , and most of the present craters , which may also have given rise to the smooth plains , were in place by about 3000 Ma ago , and little has happened on the Mercurian surface since except for the effects of tidal slow-down and interior shrinkage .
18 Naturally , the words ‘ Central daily of the Hungarian Social Workers ’ Party' also had to give way to a much simpler phrase : ‘ Socialist Daily ’ .
19 ‘ Race suicide is possible ’ , exclaimed an anonymous commentator on ‘ Sport and Decadence ’ in 1909 , while another author writing under the cloak of anonymity warned in 1912 of ‘ a canker at the heart of the people which will surely destroy it ’ , believing that ‘ the first stage of decay has already been reached when the stolid , God-fearing puritan of two-and-a-half centuries ago has given place to the shallow , hysterical cockney of today ’ .
20 His lips would n't move to give voice to the words .
21 He went on to threaten to give details to the media , backed by further contamination of items of food throughout the country , the court was told .
22 Frau Zimmerman duly departed to give orders to the cook .
23 He resolutely refuses to give way to the temptation to blame the local inhabitants for their problems .
24 These are usually irregular , but in extensive flows of basalt a highly regular hexagonal jointing pattern is sometimes produced giving rise to the kind of vertical columnar basalt outcrops which form the Giant 's Causeway in Northern Ireland , UK .
25 Susan came down for breakfast today , and they had an exciting time opening their parcels , for their father 's illness had prevented their making friends in the neighbourhood ; but there was plenty to do and talk about , and they steadfastly refused to give way to the depression that naturally overcame them at times .
26 Actively to wish to give birth to a retarded baby , or to insist that one remain so when it might be otherwise , would be perverse and eccentric .
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